One of the key skills, without which a photographer and illustrator on microstock anywhere, is English. Without a decent level of knowledge of English, it is difficult to successfully cooperate with microstocks, and here's why.

Not all photo stock interfaces are Russified. Often the interface is translated into Russian, but it is very difficult to read and understand what they were trying to say with this "translation".
It is difficult to quickly and efficiently respond to microstock life: this is correspondence with the administration, and contests that regularly hold photobanks, and filling out tax forms, and studying the many rules and loopholes that you need to know for a successful life on microstock, and much more. Without English, it all gets more complicated.
Perhaps the most important thing: the need to correctly attribute your work: select and write titles, descriptions, and also select keywords. This is important, since it is precisely by keywords that clients search for jobs, and names of the same type are, among other things, a way by which inspectors "catch" files of the same type.
Finally, we not only work, but also learn. A huge amount of training materials are written in English.
But not everything is so scary. Even if you have long forgotten English, you can gradually learn it by carefully translating keywords and titles. It is also easy to figure out the tax form and download limits, you just need a little perseverance.
What to do if you speak English with “you”, and you want to sell photos on microstocks?
· Use the Russian-language interface where it is, but be sure to double-check all categories and labels that seem strange to you. The most common cause of "weirdness" is an incorrect translation.
· Be sure to acquire a good English-Russian dictionary and select services that will help facilitate the translation of keywords into English. Online dictionaries will not only help you translate the words you need, but also have forums where you can ask a question - and they will help you.
· And of course, try to remember at least a few of the most used words in your subject - and gradually attributing photos will become much easier.