Geranium is not only a beautiful flower, but also a healing plant. In addition, it is able to protect your home from negative energies.

People have fallen in love with geranium (pelargonium) since ancient times. This graceful flower is native to South Africa. In the 17th century, seafarers brought geranium seeds to Europe. The flower gained popularity in the 19th century, thanks to the British. In London, pelargonium was grown in greenhouses and gardens of wealthy aristocrats. Then the flower became widespread in many countries of the world. He conquered the hearts of people not only with a variety of bright palette of colors, but also with his healing and magical properties.
Geranium - decoration of your home
The most common variety of pelargonium is zonal geranium. Flowers of zonal pelargonium have several varieties: ordinary, double, semi-double. If you want to decorate your home with these beautiful flowers, planting them is easy. Subject to simple agricultural techniques, geranium will take root well and will delight you with lush and abundant flowering.

Geranium tulip is similar to unopened tulip buds. The inflorescences of this geranium variety resemble a bouquet of tulips that have not yet fully opened.

The flowers of the rosaceous variety of pelargonium are like small roses collected in an inflorescence.

Cactus geraniums are shaped like a loose chrysanthemum flower. This is a very rare variety.

Star Pelargonium is a new variety with flowers that resemble stars.

Ivy geranium is very suitable for decorating balconies and loggias. The inflorescences gracefully hang down, attracting attention with a variety of colors.

Geranium fans have a huge choice of which of these gorgeous flowers to decorate their home with.
The therapeutic effect of geranium on humans
The house where geranium grows is always cozy and calm. Flowers have a positive effect on the mood of the inhabitants of the house. The fact is that the aroma of geranium helps to normalize a person's blood pressure.
In addition, it releases phytoncides that kill disease-causing microbes. Geranium leaves have the ability to absorb carcinogens and other harmful substances from the environment. This plant will perfectly clean the air in your apartment if you plant this amazing flower in your house.
Geranium is called a natural antidepressant. People with depression must have geraniums in their home. This flower is able to awaken a person to action, give him energy.
In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions from geranium leaves are widely used. With radiculitis and osteochondrosis, a compress from fresh leaves of this plant will help. The crushed geranium leaves will help with joint pain, wound healing and removing old calluses.
Currently, geranium essential oil is widely used. In cosmetology, it actively fights wrinkles and cellulite, helps to reduce inflammation on the skin.
The rich composition of vitamins contained in geranium essential oil is good for hair. Massaging the oil into the scalp strengthens the hair roots, relieves dandruff and adds shine to the hair.
The magical properties of geranium
Our ancestors considered geranium to be a magical flower.
With the help of these flowers, people protected their home from evil forces. In the apartment, geranium flowers were placed in pots on the windowsill or on the balcony. In their own home, geraniums were planted outside in the corners of the house or hung on the walls.

People believed in the miraculous power of a geranium flower amulet. To make a talisman, a special ritual was performed. On the growing moon after sunset, a conspiracy was read: “Mother geranium, become a protection for me. I'll take your twig, I'll take the silushka. May it be so! . The geranium flower was picked, wrapped in a cloth, or a small bag was sewn for it. They carried a magic flower with them as a talisman.
Since ancient times, people have noticed that in the house where geranium grows - wealth and prosperity. According to legend, the aroma of geranium has the magical power to attract money into the house. In Russia, this plant could be seen in the homes of merchants and wealthy people.
Pelargonium was given various magical properties depending on its color.
Pink geranium was considered a symbol of love. If a pink flower bloomed in the house of a lonely girl, then they were expecting an imminent wedding. For a married couple, a pink flower gave mutual understanding and loyalty.

White geranium flowers protected the health of young children, and also helped pregnant women in childbirth. A pot of white geraniums was placed in the bedroom of families who could not have children. According to popular belief, white flowers helped against infertility.

Red geranium is the strongest guardian of family happiness. Red flowers are endowed with the ability to protect the house from family quarrels and domestic troubles.
Geranium on your windowsill will add bright colors to your life, make it more harmonious and give positive emotions.