Destiny Line: Reading The Origins

Destiny Line: Reading The Origins
Destiny Line: Reading The Origins

The line of fate runs at the very heart of the palm and is its main vertical. For the correct interpretation of chirological signs, it is very important not only its presence or course, but also the method and place of origin. It is on the origins of the line that the forces that shape the life and fate of a person are determined.

Destiny Line: Reading the Origins
Destiny Line: Reading the Origins

For each person, life has prepared its own joys and sorrows, trials and achievements. The presence of the line of fate indicates that on your way something from above has prepared its life prompts and obstacles. To read the palm correctly, pay attention to how and where the important vertical of your life begins.

The first version of the beginning can be considered a classic. The line of fate in this case originates in the area of the wrist: either directly from the bracelets, or just above them. This means that a person already at an early age understands what he wants from life and will apply all his strength to the implementation of his plans. This source also speaks about a good family in which a person was born, about the support of relatives and a reliable home front from relatives. A person with such a line of fate can be called “rooted”. These people stand firmly on the ground, which does not prevent them from flying high in life.

Another option for the beginning of the line of Destiny is from the life line or from the mound of Venus (at the thumb). This zone speaks of the strong influence of parents on a person, that they "hold" him and inhibit development. In this version, there is some lack of independence of character and serious dependence on the family in which the person was born. If the line of fate quickly turns into an independent one, a person is safely separated from influence and pressure.

The fate line can also begin not at the wrist, but in the middle of the palm. This version of the source is the most active in life. A person is forced to independently deal with difficulties and move up the ladder of life. Success will only depend on the effort you make. The positive aspect of such an arrangement of the line of fate in the palm of your hand is that a person, when choosing a path, can follow his desires and aspirations. Fate is not predetermined in advance, but is an independent choice.

Another option for the beginning of the line of fate is from the hillock of the moon (the lower part of the palm under the little finger). This area is a sign of "strangers" - helpers or opponents. Such a line testifies to a spontaneous fate and requires the owner to pay more attention to the "signs". It is they who will help to correctly plan the movement in life, which will lead to success. The main characteristics of people with such a line are: the ability to communicate correctly, attract attention, use the energy of strangers. This person adapts well to circumstances.

There is also a fifth version of the origin of the line of fate, which is very rare. The beginning is in the area of upper Mars (the middle part of the palm under the little finger). Such a start prepares a person for constant work and overcoming difficulties.

Having determined the origins of the line of fate, you can understand what life is preparing you for, whether it is worth trying to change something, whether relatives provide positive or negative support, etc. It is important to understand that the lines in the palm of your hand are not static and change depending on your solutions.
