The ancient art of palmistry (fortune telling by hand) has been known to many nationalities since ancient times. The reading and interpretation of the main lines is overwhelmingly the same, but there are a number of differences in the reading of the small and medium lines. Master the basics of hand fortune telling by learning the meaning of the four fundamental lines.

Step 1
Learning to read the hand is not as difficult as it might seem. Learn the basics first. And already having basic knowledge, constantly improve your skills in practice, and you will be able to reliably read information about a person along the lines on his hand.
Step 2
Remember that the main information about a person is contained in the leading hand (right-handed - right, left-handed - left). The second hand will give additional information about what qualities were originally inherent in a person.
Step 3
Begin your acquaintance with palmistry by studying the four fundamental lines - the lines of Life, Heart, Mind, Destiny. In addition to these main lines, there are many small and medium lines, but at the initial stage it will be enough to master the main lines.
Step 4
The Life Line originates between the index and thumb and descends to the wrist in a semicircle. There is a misconception that the length of the Life line may indicate its duration - this is not the case. Pay attention to the depth and color of this line. If the line is even and of the same color, this indicates good health. In addition to information about health, the Life line can tell about family and financial situation.
Step 5
The Heart Line originates below the little finger and rises smoothly upward, ending between the index and middle fingers. If the line of the heart is clear, it speaks of the generosity of its owner. If the line is barely visible, then in front of you is a cunning and treacherous person. A straight and short line speaks of the secrecy of character.
Step 6
The Mind Line begins at the fold of the palm between the index and thumb. A clear and long line of the Mind indicates a person who is attentive and passionate about his work. The shortened line of the Mind indicates that a person trusts his intuition more than logic. The Mind Line can tell about the abilities and inclinations of a person. If it rises to the index finger, this indicates a penchant for the humanities, if it rises to the little finger, then this indicates a penchant for the exact sciences and technical disciplines.
Step 7
The Line of Destiny begins at the wrist and rises to either the middle or ring fingers. Not everyone has a Line of Fate, moreover, it can appear already in adulthood. The presence of the line of Destiny indicates that the person has taken place and is engaged in the business that is intended for him. If the line of Destiny is absent, this suggests that a person needs to think about his future and begin to radically change his life.