Many people would like to look into the future, learn something about future events and their destiny. You can try to find out fate in different ways, one of the most ancient and mysterious is fortune telling on Tarot cards.

It is necessary
tarot cards
Step 1
Fortune-telling on the cards is based on the principle that the alignment only reflects what is happening in the higher spheres of life. The prototype of all the well-known playing cards was precisely the Minor Arcana of Tarot cards: Wands turned into clubs, Cups into hearts, Swords into spades, Denarius into tambourines.
Step 2
Get tarot cards. Remember that this is a unique tool, so be very responsible when choosing your cards. You should not just buy a deck of cards, but find one that you really like. If the deck is unpleasant in some way - for example, too bright, look for another.
Step 3
Find and carefully read the description and interpretation of each of the 78 tarot cards. It is not necessary to memorize them right away, you will get comfortable with the interpretations as you study. At the first stage, it is important to understand the essence of the four suits of the Minor Arcana and get acquainted with the description of the 22 cards of the Major Arcana, to understand the basics of their symbolism.
Step 4
Dealing with Tarot cards, you will have to re-read more than a dozen books. Remember that you yourself can endow the cards with one or another additional meaning - if you feel that it will be right. The better you understand the symbolism of the cards, the better they will work for you. Over time, you will develop your own way of reading the Tarot, based on the generally accepted, and supplemented by your personal observations.
Step 5
It is difficult to master tarot card reading, but some simple options are available even for a beginner. So, if you want to know what the coming day will be like for you, draw a card at random from the deck. Its symbolism will tell you what awaits you.
Step 6
If you are worried about a situation, clearly formulate the question (mentally), then lay out three cards: the first in the center, the second to the left of it, the third to the right. The central map will show you the essence of the problem. The left one will tell you about the reasons for the current situation. Finally, the right card will give advice on what to do in this situation.
Step 7
In the event that you are interested in a relationship with some person, you can use maps to find out how this relationship develops and how it will end. In turn, remove five cards from the deck: the first is placed in the center, it will show the essence of your relationship with this person. The second card is placed on the left, it will tell you about the feelings that this person has for you. Put the third on top, it will show what this person thinks of you. The fourth card is placed on the right - this is what can happen between you in the near future. Finally, a fifth card is placed at the bottom. She describes the outcome of your relationship.
Step 8
Before fortune-telling, a verification process is usually carried out. It consists in the fact that you draw a certain number of cards from the deck - for example, five. If three or more are in an upright position, you can guess. If the overturned cards prevail, it is impossible to guess. There may be different reasons why you shouldn't guess - for example, the question you are interested in is too vain. Do not disturb the cards over trifles.