How To Tie A Mobile Case

How To Tie A Mobile Case
How To Tie A Mobile Case

Table of contents:


With today's choice of mobile phone cases, it's hard to find a special one. On the one hand, you can buy a cover of any color and texture of the fabric, but, on the other hand, they are all the same type. After all, you really want to have something special at home, or give a loved one!

It is necessary

  • knitting needles;
  • hook;
  • beads;
  • yarn;
  • threads;
  • button.


Step 1

You can knit the cover at your discretion: knitting or crocheting, "bag" or "briefcase", beads or yarn. Each type of cover has its own characteristics when knitting. You can buy yarn or threads for knitting a case in any color, but remember that you will constantly take your phone out of the case, so too light yarn will quickly get dirty.

Step 2

Before you start knitting, you need to know the dimensions of your cell phone. Add 1 cm to these measurements so that the case does not overly tighten the phone. For knitting a cover, it is best to take thin knitting needles or a hook - 2-3 mm.

Step 3

For knitting with beads, you need a nylon thread of about 1 mm and beads, into which such a thread can easily crawl. Cast on beads for 1 meter of thread without lifting the thread from the spool. When these beads are finished, tear off the thread with a margin and again string 1 meter of beads, tying the ends of the thread. Fold the warp and beaded thread and knit! One bead should fit one loop. It is most convenient to knit 2 canvases - front and back, and later sew them. To make the canvas easy to sew, do not use beads in the first two loops, knit them with the front one. You can crochet or knit with beads.

Step 4

For knitting a yarn cover, it is best to purchase cotton or bamboo, since artificial threads will quickly lose their appearance and stretch. With this knitting method, you can decorate the cover with a beautiful pattern of braids or yarns, as well as add several patterns from a different color of yarn.

Step 5

If you want to tie the case in the shape of a "pouch", type in so many loops that the bottom of the case is 3-4 cm larger than the bottom of the phone. Then begin to narrow your "bag" in every 4th row until the height of the case is equal to the height of the phone. Make 5-6 yarns around the perimeter, creating holes for the cord that tightens your cover. Crochet the cord for the tie.

Step 6

To knit a cover with a button, make a flat fabric without extensions. The back wall of the cover should be 7-8 cm higher than the front. For the "lock", you can use a spectacular button, Velcro or an iron button.
