The strategy game, with more than 1500 years of history, first appeared in India. In those distant times, the chess game looked different, and the game itself was called "chaturanga". Modern chess consists of six types of pieces moving on a board of 64 cells. Each type of figure moves along an individual path according to strict rules.

Step 1
The pawn (infantry) is the most numerous and weakest piece on the chessboard, apart from the king. It moves only forward one square, but from its initial position the pawn can move two squares, i.e. through the cage. Beats a pawn obliquely, taking the position in which the opponent's piece stood. At the beginning of the game, each player has eight pawns, they form a solid first row and perform a defensive function.
Step 2
The bishop (bishop, officer) is considered to be an average piece in chess, it can only move diagonally in any direction and on any number of squares. At the beginning of the game, the opponents have 2 bishops each, one of which is fixed on white squares, and the other on black ones. In the initial position, one bishop is located between the knight and the queen, the other - between the knight and the king.
Step 3
The knight (cavalry) is the only piece on the chessboard that moves along a broken path. The horse moves in any direction with the Russian letter "G", consisting of 4 cells. Its advantage over other pieces is that the knight can jump over its own pieces and the pieces of the opponent. At the beginning of the game, each player has two knights at his disposal, located symmetrically between the rook and the bishop.
Step 4
The rook (tower, ship) is a strong piece that plays a very important role in a chess game. The rook moves straight in any direction horizontally and vertically to any number of squares. The Rook is the only piece that is castled. At the beginning of the game, the players have two rooks, which are located on the right and left on the outer squares of the board.
Step 5
The queen (queen) is the strongest and most aggressive piece in chess. Moves to any number of fields in any direction, both straight and diagonally. Initially, the queen is located between the king and the bishop, occupying the square corresponding to its color.
Step 6
The king is the main piece on the chessboard, the task of the remaining pieces is not to allow the opponent's pieces to put the king in a hopeless position. The king can move and hit in any direction, but only one square. The only case that provides for the king's move through one square is castling with the rook from the initial position, while there should be no other pieces between them.