Modeling is one of the most interesting and at the same time rewarding activities. Even one-year-old toddlers can be offered to sculpt, but not from dense plasticine, but from a special mass for sculpting. The peculiarity of this material is that it does not stain your hands, is very elastic, pleasant to the touch and does not stick to clothes. Such a mass for modeling is not toxic and does not pose a danger to young children who pull everything into their mouths. However, with all the advantages of this material, you still need to know the features of working with it. How to sculpt from a sculpting mass?

It is necessary
- - mass for modeling different colors;
- - stacks or molds;
- - plastic containers or jars.
Step 1
To make it convenient for you and your child to study, prepare a workplace. The table should be well lit and dry. For sculpting from such a mass, you do not need to use special oilcloths or plastic stands, because this material does not stick to your hands at all and does not stain the table. Remember only that your hands must be dry when working.
Step 2
Place the jars of the mass on the table. Do not open all containers at once, as the polymer slowly solidifies in air. Take only the amount of mass that is required for the job. Keep in mind that the longer the jars are open, the less elastic the mass will become.
Step 3
Teach your child to mix colors and create new shades. The mass for modeling has unique properties: with long stirring, it becomes a uniform new color, and with partial mixing, it acquires marble shades.
Step 4
Teach your child to sculpt the simplest figures: a ball, a cake, a thin roller. Show your toddler how to connect the sculpted pieces together. It should be borne in mind that sometimes poorly bonded parts can come off when dry. Therefore, check if the child has assembled the figurine well.
Step 5
Dry the finished product. The sculpting material slowly hardens in the air, so in a few hours the finished work will become light and elastic. If it is a ball, then he will be able to jump dexterously, and the figure will become a toy. Remember that after complete drying, the mass loses its plasticity, and it will not work to mold a new craft out of it.
Step 6
After sculpting, place the remaining mass in containers and close the lids tightly. Do not trust babies with this job, because sometimes the caps close tightly. If, nevertheless, the jar was not closed tightly, you can sprinkle the mass with water and close the lid tightly. After this procedure, the properties of the polymer should be restored.