Sculpting is a great activity both for self-expression and for calming down. You can start sculpting at any age, even if you have never done it before. The best and easiest way to sculpt with clay. This is a wonderful material, it is found almost everywhere and is stored for a long time. It differs in color and structure, some clays turn white after firing, others acquire a reddish tint.

It is necessary
- - clay;
- - wire or wooden frame for the figure;
- - wet sheet;
- - polyethylene.
Step 1
When planning your work, prepare more clay than is necessary for the sculpture you are planning. She prepares simply. Pour dry clay into a box (or into another container, for example, a saucepan). It is necessary to level it. Then fill it with water so that separate bumps protrude from the water. After three to four days, you can use the clay for sculpting. When removing it, leave an uneven relief - so that water remains in some depressions - then the clay will have a different consistency, which is necessary for work.
Step 2
Clay is sculpted mainly by hand, but you will need special tools and equipment for sculpting. It is best to sculpt on a machine that can either be purchased at a store or made by yourself. It is a high stool with a revolving lid. You will also need a set of stacks for more precise work, working out small details and removing excess clay.
Step 3
Small figures ten to fifteen centimeters high can be sculpted without a frame. But larger sculptures require a wire or wooden frame, since clay is a viscous and heavy material, under its own weight it bends and falls off.
Step 4
Clay sculptures necessarily require a separate foundation, even if they are small. The pedestal serves as a compositional basis for the sculpture and support for its individual parts. They begin to do it from below, it is like a house, it starts from the foundation. First, you need to give the figure the most general volume, rough, keeping only the proportions of the parts.
Step 5
Only after creating the total volume (nothing if it is more than necessary), proceed to the detailed study. Use your hands to give your sculpture the desired look, kneading it. Rotate the lid to see how it looks from different angles. A round sculpture should look good from all angles, not just from the front. Remove excess with a stack, pinch off with your hands.
Step 6
Store the unfinished sculpture by covering it with a damp sheet and plastic. This will keep it from drying out. If it does dry out a little, moisten it with water from a spray bottle and continue working. The finished work is fired in a special oven.