How To Sculpt From Sculptural Plasticine

How To Sculpt From Sculptural Plasticine
How To Sculpt From Sculptural Plasticine

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Sculptural plasticine is widely used by professionals, as well as students of sculpture faculties, to perform educational work. It is sold in convenient packaging and is quite affordable for hobbyists. But to work with it, you need to know some of the properties of this material.

How to sculpt from sculptural plasticine
How to sculpt from sculptural plasticine

It is necessary

  • - sculptural plasticine;
  • - hot water or heating device;
  • - machine oil or petroleum jelly;
  • - aluminum or iron wire.


Step 1

Purchase in a specialized store a package of sculptural clay, for example, manufactured by Lenstroykeramika or Gamma. Typically, a package contains about one kilogram of fairly solid material. In most cases, plasticine kneads well with your hands, but in some, for example, when you come across a harder type of material, artificial heating is required.

Step 2

Break off the required amount of plasticine and heat it up under hot water or put it on a heater. You can also make shavings with a knife and warm them up slightly in water, then knead them with your hands. A heated piece can be combined with a cold mass. In most cases, they combine well.

Step 3

Do not reheat the entire package unless you intend to use it right away. If you keep the mass in a heated state for a long time, it loses its plastic properties, as the components that give it softness evaporate. Plasticine becomes tough, hard and begins to break.

Step 4

Please note that after the initial heating, the mass wrinkles well with your hands and retains its plastic properties. It does not stick to hands and tools, adheres well to unheated plasticine, and also retains its shape well at room temperature.

Step 5

Restore the plastic properties of overheated plasticine: heat the mass to a liquid state and add machine oil or technical petroleum jelly (add talcum powder or potato flour to the mass to harden).

Step 6

Purchase aluminum or iron wire for larger compositions. They are necessary for the frame; without it, the sculpture will not keep its shape, it can settle or float. Do not use copper wire as it is destroyed by the components in the clay.

Step 7

Use for miniature works where jewelry clarity and subtlety of elaboration is required, plasticine of a harder type, for example, manufactured by Gamma. Cut off the required amount from the briquette and reheat in hot water or on a heating device. Do not reheat the stock. Please note that when sculpting a miniature, the mass needs more cooling than heating.