How To Learn To Shoot With A Camera

How To Learn To Shoot With A Camera
How To Learn To Shoot With A Camera

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For your photographs to become works of art, you need to have not only good photography skills, but also an artistic gift. But in order to just make good memorable shots, it is enough to study your camera and learn a few laws of photography.

How to learn to shoot with a camera
How to learn to shoot with a camera


Step 1

Don't assume that you need a good camera to take good pictures. Of course, professional photographers use expensive and high-quality cameras, but you can take a good picture with a "soap dish" too, the main thing is to choose the right angle and lighting. Moreover, the quality of cameras is increasing every year, and now even simple inexpensive cameras have quite good characteristics.

Step 2

Even a simple camera has a lot of settings. Using them wisely, you will greatly improve your pictures. Therefore, before you start shooting, carefully study the instructions for the camera, try to take the same picture with different settings in order to understand the difference from personal experience.

Step 3

A good shot always has a competent composition, that is, the correct placement of objects in the frame. An experienced photographer determines the composition without hesitation, and can shoot without prior thought. A beginner photographer must first think about the frame, correlate the sizes of objects, the distance from them to the lens. There is a "rule of thirds", in accordance with it, divide the frame into three equal parts horizontally and vertically, significant objects should be located on the dividing lines.

Step 4

Modern cameras allow you to achieve different sharpness of the frame. It's usually simple, the subject in the foreground is in focus and the background is blurred. Learn how to use aperture to achieve natural sharpness in your shot.

Step 5

Use flash only when you really need to, it flattens the image. When photographing, play with lighting, try shooting from different angles, and pay attention to how the subject changes when light is shining on it from different directions.

Step 6

Take a lot of pictures! All theoretical advice is worthless until you try it out in practice. Apply different settings, angles, feel free to experiment and over time you will start to get good pictures.
