The katana is a long, slightly curved two-handed sword invented and made for the first time in Japan. He was one of the weapons of the samurai. After Quentin Tarantino's film Kill Bill, the katana began to interest many. How to make a katana yourself?

It is necessary
Anvil, ferrous sand (special black sand from the coast of Japan, from which steel is melted), hammer, smelter, charcoal, forge, sandstone powder, water, clay, rice straw, as well as grinding and polishing tools for processing the resulting steel. If you could find all this, then let's proceed to the very manufacture of the sword
Step 1
Submerge charcoal, light it, put sand in a smelter and at a temperature of 1500 degrees, melt about four kilograms of steel. Divide the resulting metal into low and high carbon steel. Mild steel - gray-black. Place small and large pieces of charcoal on the bottom of the forge, then light it. Then put some high carbon steel in the forge and add some charcoal as well.
Step 2
After that, spread the ash from the rice straw and pre-chopped charcoal over the bottom of the forge, place a layer of high-carbon steel and cover it all with charcoal. Then start swinging the 'Mechs quickly until there is only one steel left in the forge. Carefully remove the pieces of steel and start forging flat sheets from them. Make sure that they are no more than five millimeters thick. Divide steel into high and low carbon.
Step 3
Place pieces of high carbon steel on a steel blank with a handle, wrap in paper and apply clay. After that, put it all in the forge and cover it with coal. Heat for about half an hour until white appears. Remove the resulting block, put it on the anvil and hit it several times with a hammer. Then put it back in the forge, heat it well and hit it again several times with a hammer. Repeat this procedure five to six times.
Step 4
You have a steel called kawagane. Take the mild steel you set aside, hammer it into a bar, then roll and pierce it 9-10 more times. You now have Shingane Steel.
Step 5
The next step is the blank for the blade. Split a block and forge a rectangular plate out of it. Stretching the plate perpendicular to the length will give the blade the desired shape. File the shank of the blade. Finish the katana making process as follows. From a couple of pieces of wood, make a handle, which first wrap with leather and then with a cotton cord.