The waltz made its way to secular balls at the end of the eighteenth century. Since then, he has hardly gone out of fashion. More and more new variants of it appear. There are many dance schools where they teach how to perform different types of waltzes. But to master the basic movements in order to dance this beautiful dance at a prom or a wedding, you can try it yourself.

It is necessary
- - player with speakers;
- - recordings of various waltzes;
- - mirror;
- - partner.
Step 1
Listen to different waltzes. Pay attention to the rhythm. Waltzes can be fast and slow, but almost all of them are written in three-beat time. In academic music, five-part waltzes are also known, but mainly ballet dancers dance to such music. Note the strengths and weaknesses. Try claping the rhythm, making a loud clap on a high beat and two soft claps on a weak beat.
Step 2
Learn the waltz step. This can be done without a partner and even at first without music. For one count, step forward with your right foot. On the count of two, step to the side with your left foot. For the count of three, place your right foot. In the next figure, the direction of movement is changed. On one count, step back with your right foot, two steps with your right foot to the side, and three steps with your left foot.
Step 3
Learn to waltz to music. Start with a slow version of this dance. When you bring the step to automatism. Remember to control yourself in front of a large mirror.
Step 4
Try dancing with a partner. The waltz is most often performed in a closed position, that is, the partners face each other. Get into the correct posture. The man's right hand is just below the partner's left shoulder blade. His left arm is almost at right angles to his torso and at such a height that the partner's right hand is in his hand. The woman holds her left hand on her partner's right shoulder. The partner looks over the partner's right shoulder.
Step 5
Learn to act in concert and in different directions. Try to be clear about your roles. The man begins to move forward with the right leg, the woman - backward and with the left. Usually pairs move in a counter-clockwise direction. Even the simplest form of this dance looks very beautiful if the steps are performed correctly and confidently.
Step 6
Try other types of this dance. If you have several acquaintances who also love this dance, dance all together a figured waltz. It includes several waltz turns, solo ladies and several transitions. This dance is constantly developing, so it is not forbidden to invent your own figures.