What Is The Ascendant And How Does It Affect The Character

What Is The Ascendant And How Does It Affect The Character
What Is The Ascendant And How Does It Affect The Character

Astrology is not an official science, however, many people resort to studying character from the stars. According to long-term astrological data, three components affect a person's character: the zodiac sign (the location of the Sun in one of the 12 lobes of the zodiacal circle), the lunar sign (the location of the moon) and the ascendant. Knowing the terminology and some features of the concept of the ascendant, you can calculate what strengths and weaknesses there are in a person.

What is the ascendant and how does it affect the character
What is the ascendant and how does it affect the character

What is an ascendant?

If you draw a circle of motion of the Earth around the Sun (ecliptic plane) and a line from the center to the east, then the ascendant will be the intersection point in the east of the horizon. The exact place of birth of a person helps to determine where the east is.

The zodiac sign (the location of the sun in the sign) reflects the external behavior of a person in relation to the world as a whole, career, people. The moon in the sign denotes internal characteristics, what resources are in a person and how he sees himself. The Ascendant is ulterior motives. Considering concepts from the point of view of psychology, the zodiac will be an interaction with the world, the lunar sign will be consciousness, and the ascendant will be the subconscious.

How to calculate the ascendant?

You can calculate the ascendant using special tables and schematic sketches. The approximate sign of the ascendant is independently calculated according to the exact time of sunrise and sunset on a person's birthday (you can see it in the calendar).

Draw a zodiac circle. The starting point (sunrise) will be your zodiac sign. Every 2-4 hours after sunrise, the ascendant moves about one sign clockwise.

It happens that the sunrise point coincides with the sun sign. A person born at dawn will have a sign equal to the sign of the zodiac in his ascendant. This is called a double sign (like double sagittarius, etc.). At the same time, all characteristics, both positive and negative, are enhanced.

The influence of the ascendant on character

The Ascendant is divided into male and female. Male signs are considered to be the signs of fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) and air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), female signs are the signs of water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) and earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn).

If a woman has a female sign in the ascendant, this has a beneficial effect on motherhood and character in general. Smoothness of movements, softness, the ability to forgive, etc. appear.

The male sign enhances tough character traits and strong-willed qualities. A man with a masculine sign in the ascendant is a born fighter and conqueror. When the signs change: a man is born with a feminine sign, and a woman with a masculine, this allows us to talk about the flexibility of character - a person easily adapts to any situation (provided that the ascendant is not pronounced).

A pronounced female ascendant in a man (Cancer, Pisces, Virgo) suppresses the male energy, making a man timid and shy, guided in skillful hands. And the masculine (Leo, Aries, Scorpio) ascendant in a woman makes a woman adamant and somewhere rude.

A complete astrological character chart must be drawn up taking into account all the features: a typical-atypical sign of the zodiac (depending on the decade of birth), etc. It is worth considering that science denies the influence of the horoscope on character and writes off all kinds of coincidences on the strength of a person's faith in prediction.