Does The Zodiac Sign Affect Fate: The Opinion Of Astrologers

Does The Zodiac Sign Affect Fate: The Opinion Of Astrologers
Does The Zodiac Sign Affect Fate: The Opinion Of Astrologers

Many people want to look into the future, change their destiny. That is why astrology is so popular, which scientists stubbornly call pseudoscience. But until recently there was not enough evidence either to confirm the influence of astrology on fate, or to refute it.

Should you believe the horoscopes?
Should you believe the horoscopes?

Why do people believe in horoscopes

The desire to penetrate the secrets of their fate makes millions of people turn to the stars, planets, oracles, soothsayers, fortune tellers, magic balls and objects that will paint a picture of the future for them. People believe in horoscopes and study them with gusto every day, adjusting and adjusting their own lives to the "stars". Many are sure that the sign of the Zodiac under which they were born has a decisive influence on their character, abilities, luck, and their entire fate.

What Scientists Say

Until recently, no serious scientific research has been carried out. The prediction industry is too pervasive for the scientific world to encroach on it. But attempts to refute the influence of the signs of the zodiac on the fate of a person are made from time to time. The most serious is a study carried out by a team of scientists from the Danish University of Aarhus.

A group of psychologists led by Professor Peter Hartmann examined statistics based on the study of personal profiles of 15,000 American veterans of the Vietnam War. From the point of view of astrology, their questionnaires have never been studied. This idea came to Professor Hartmann because the questionnaires contain not only dates of birth, but also describe in detail the individual and psychological characteristics, such as the level of intelligence, a tendency to neuroses and psychopathies, the ability to social adaptation and much more. As a result of research, no connection was found between the zodiac sign and the fate of the subjects.

The only detail is that those born from July to December were, on average, one point smarter in terms of IQ than those born from January to June. But another study conducted next, American youth aged 15 to 24, refuted this result, showing the exact opposite.

The conclusion of Danish psychologists is unambiguous: the personality traits of a person do not depend on the planetary period in which he was born. True, Professor Peter Hartmann made a slight curtsy towards practicing astrologers, making the reservation that all astrology is not necessarily a deception. The myth is only an influence on the fate of the signs of the Zodiac, and all horoscopes are just waste paper. Except … individual horoscopes, which are compiled taking into account the star rising at the moment of birth. Scientists chose not to investigate the question of individual horoscopes and leave it open.
