How To Make Santa Claus With Your Own Hands

How To Make Santa Claus With Your Own Hands
How To Make Santa Claus With Your Own Hands

On the eve of the New Year, in every house you can see figurines of snowmen, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and other characters that decorate the interior. Anyone can make such elements associated with the main holiday of the year, the main thing is to choose the right material from which the craft will be made in the future.

How to make Santa Claus with your own hands
How to make Santa Claus with your own hands

How to make Santa Claus from fabric

You will need:

- red and white felt; - needle; - red threads; - synthetic winterizer; - glue; - cardboard; - scissors; - one white bead; - two black beads.

Take a piece of cardboard and draw on it the details shown in the picture below. If you wish, you can print the patterns.


Detail 1 - fur on the cap.

Detail 2 - the face of Santa Claus.

Detail 3 - beard.

Detail 4 - the body of Santa Claus.

Detail 5 - mustache.

Cut out the resulting patterns, put parts numbered 1, 2, 3, 5 on white felt, circle and cut. Place part number 4 on red felt, circle and cut (two pieces are needed for these blanks). Take two identical pieces at number 4, fold them wrong sides together and sew them together along the edge with an overcasting stitch. As soon as the work is almost finished and about two centimeters remain of the unstitched part, fill the blank with a padding polyester (if it is not at hand, you can use ordinary cotton wool) and carefully sew up the hole. The base is ready. Next, put the resulting base in front of you with the sharp end away from you, take part number 2 and glue it just above the center of the soft workpiece (this will be the face of Santa Claus). Glue part number 1 exactly above the face (edge of the cap), number 3 - just below the face (beard), and number 5 - just below the center of the face (mustache). The final step is gluing the beads. Glue the white bead above the mustache, forming the nose, and the black beads just above the nose at a short distance from each other. As a result, you should have the following craft.


Santa Claus made of fabric is ready, now the craft can decorate the interior of your room.
