Succubus And Incubus. Night Invisible

Succubus And Incubus. Night Invisible
Succubus And Incubus. Night Invisible

Succubus is a female demonic entity, an incubus is male. Some sources claim that succubi and incubi are elementals or mental images. There is no unequivocal opinion. These creatures feed on the sexual energy of people, taking away the strength of a person during intercourse with him. It also happens that demons sit on a person's chest and strangle, circle a person, lift him into the air, torture. More often than not, these entities remain invisible to people.

Succubus and incubus. Night invisible
Succubus and incubus. Night invisible

The Orthodox Church is of the opinion that these entities are quite real, and come only to deep sinners. How does this happen?

In the state between sleep and wakefulness, this entity "comes" to a man or woman and performs sexual intercourse with its victim. At the same time, the victim's sensations during sex are much brighter, more realistic and sharper than during the usual - real sexual intercourse. Sex always ends with a powerful orgasm, and the victim after this incident feels tired, exhausted and even a state of complete weakness, moral devastation and a guilt complex. Victims of such attacks report that at the moment of sex they have absolutely no strength to resist, even if they do not want such a connection. Often the victim goes into a state of sleep paralysis during this. A person experiences everything that happens, but he cannot resist, control his will, consciousness, body. People who have had sexual relations with succubi and incubi also say that sex with them is very sensual, and the sensations are many times more pleasant than with a real person, there is a kind of connection at a subtle level. Those. call demons very skillful and affectionate lovers. An irresistible desire arises. Ordinary erotic dreams are very different from similar experiences and the difference is obvious to those who have encountered it. A succubus or incubus is most often invisible to humans, but sometimes comes in the form of a beautiful man or woman. In general, this creature is capable of taking on any image attractive to the victim in order to arouse attraction and take away human energy. Or vice versa - they strangle and mock, laugh, but the result is the same - a person loses energy, giving it to them. The purpose of the demons is to evoke in the victim either a sexual irresistible desire or panic fear, in order to be saturated with the emotions of a person, to "squeeze" him out. More often the victim experiences desire and fear at the same time.

Sometimes succubi and incubi become visible to people as satyrs, hairy devils with horns and tails, animals - it is believed that this is their natural appearance. The victim of a demonic entity during intercourse gives the maximum of his energy to the demon, but receives nothing in return. This is precisely why such a relationship is dangerous. In addition, there is a high probability of falling into addiction akin to a drug. During real sex between a man and a woman, energy is exchanged and recharged, but during communication with a succubus or incubus, only the body's energy reserves are emptied, which has a very destructive effect on the aura, health and personal life. It is difficult enough to get rid of such a guest. Catholicism and Christianity in the Middle Ages equated such a relationship with bestiality (a demon has an animal appearance) or sodomy (a succubus is a male demon taking on a female form). This was considered and is still considered a very grave sin. For this they could be burned at the stake during the Inquisition.

Psychologists write that such a sexual experience can be experienced by someone who, for various reasons, has not had an intimate relationship for a long time or is afraid to realize sexual fantasies that seem shameful. And this is just a fairly realistic figment of the imagination, caused by subconscious processes. The opinion of the author of this article is that, in such a case, the victim would not experience the most severe loss of strength and apathy after a connection of this kind. Then erotic dreams would become frequent, albeit more realistic than usual. In addition, an invisible guest appears for those who have everything in order with intimate relationships. The consequences of sexual intercourse with demons are very serious - illness, general weakness (especially an incredible loss of strength "immediately after"), a broken energy shell, constant insomnia, bad luck in personal life, suicidal thoughts. Not to mention other karmic consequences, like the curse of the clan, etc.

The ministers of Orthodoxy assure that night demons can only come to those who have taken a very grave sin on their souls - practicing magic, parapsychology, esotericism, fortune telling, witchcraft, etc. Practicing meditation, developing superpowers, reading "obscene" (here occult) literature is a grave sin - and for this it is punished in this way. The person becomes obsessed. But the author of the article then the question arises - why are those who generally deny all magic, astrology and have never done anything like that become victims of demons? The history of Catholicism tells of numerous nuns who have experienced this experience.

Esotericists say that succubi and incubi are demons, elementals, larvae, or essences of the lower astral, and "cling" to those who have weak energy protection. Some esotericists say that these are very powerful creatures - fallen angels, but not from the lower layers of the astral plane.

You can believe in these entities, you can not believe, but the real experience of people shows that this happens quite often, and this is a fairly common phenomenon. Any person can become a victim of succubi and incubi, the reasons and nature of their origin and sexual attack on a person have not yet been studied, unambiguous and unclear. But almost all people who have had sexual contact with these entities want to break this connection, only a few are eager to continue it. The attack of these creatures is akin to rape - after all, the victim cannot show his will and refuse the act. Such an unambiguous statement of all "tried". The victim has feelings that there are several invisible attackers, sometimes there are painful sensations in the perineum and throughout the body. Magicians and sorcerers can send damage to a person - "attaching" this essence to the aura. Also, magicians and sorcerers know how to create succubi and incubi with the help of imagination, mental. Someone for their own pleasures, someone for harm to others. One way or another, one must always remember about the karmic consequences of the deed. It is very difficult to get rid of demons.

These entities can appear in sleep (both daytime and nighttime), in the borderline state between sleep and wakefulness, in astral sleep, in the astral plane, in a state of light drowsiness, and at the beginning of meditation. What if you become a victim of a succubus or incubus and want to get rid of it?

The church's recommendations are confession, repentance, refusal to practice yoga, extrasensory perception, esotericism, etc., prayer. Refusal from dissolute life (prostitution, extramarital affairs, etc.) and humility. In very difficult cases - the strictest fasting, communion, sometimes - exorcism. Before going to bed - read "Our Father" or prayers to the Mother of God. Read these prayers if the demon does appear. Put an icon of the Virgin by the bed. Fumigate the house with incense.

Recommendations of doctors and psychologists - regular sex life with a trusted partner, work on their complexes in the intimate sphere. Perhaps the body should be checked - whether there are sleep disorders, neurological disorders, narcolepsy.

Recommendations of esotericists - appeal to a healer, strengthening of the protective shell - auras, prayers, installation of "protection" from attack. Work on the development of will.

It is believed that succubi and incubi do not come into an established, harmonious pair. The recommendation is to work on creating a harmony in the family.

One way or another, what has long been considered a myth and fiction is happening to people today. People are afraid to talk about it, they are afraid that they will not be believed or ridiculed. And they are also afraid of the situation in which they find themselves and do not know how to stop it. Even those who have already got rid of the night guests complain that they still fear that they will return again. Strangers tell each other about the same phenomenon with surprisingly similar details. If this has happened to you, share your opinion to help others.

And a popular science explanation of the phenomenon in the video below.
