Making A Christmas Tree Pendant Out Of Ribbon And Beads Is Quick And Easy

Making A Christmas Tree Pendant Out Of Ribbon And Beads Is Quick And Easy
Making A Christmas Tree Pendant Out Of Ribbon And Beads Is Quick And Easy

Diversify your usual set of Christmas tree decorations with such a simple and elegant Christmas tree-pendant, which does not require any enchanting efforts to make.

Herringbone pendant made of ribbon and beads quickly and easily
Herringbone pendant made of ribbon and beads quickly and easily

To create such a pendant, you will need a small piece of dense and elastic tape, several beads (for example, left over from other crafts), a little sewing thread, glue and a piece of colored cardboard.

Helpful advice: it would be nice to starch the ribbon before the pendant making process so that it keeps its shape better, but you can go the other way - take the ribbon not from fabric, but colored paper, which florists use to decorate bouquets. Such ribbons are very bright and shiny, which, in general, is required when creating Christmas tree decorations.


The process of assembling the Christmas tree-pendant can be seen in photo 1: first, we fasten the bead to the threads and begin to collect the ribbon loops, alternating them with the beads.


Photo 2 shows that after completing the main part of the assembly, the thread on which the "trunk" of the Christmas tree is assembled must be glued between two cardboard stars, together with a loop for hanging.

Helpful advice: instead of the bead with which the assembly of the Christmas tree pendant begins, you can take a button, and to the taste of the master - with holes through and through or in the shape of a fungus. In the second case, choose the one with the minimum leg height. You can also dream up with the top of the Christmas tree - do not glue the threads into a cardboard star, but pick up a bright plastic bead of an interesting shape.
