Decorations made using the double weaving technique always look beautiful and original. Twin wire weaving is a rather painstaking work, so you need to start mastering this technique with a simple product. A pendant made of wire and beads will just help beginners to master the technique of double weaving from wire!

It is necessary
Brass wire, wire cutters, round nose pliers, decorative cord, one large transparent plastic bead and two small glass beads
Step 1
Take a 20-centimeter piece of wire, fold it in half, twist it a little into a ring using round-nose pliers.

Step 2
Put a glass bead on the ends folded together, make a loop. Please note that when making loops, the rows of double wires should not intersect, they should lie in one bundle, otherwise the attractiveness of the product and the idea will be lost.

Step 3
Make a second opposite the first loop, the ends of the wire should point in the opposite direction.

Step 4
Put on the middle bead, make a loop again, only relative to the previous one in the opposite direction.

Step 5
Turn the piece over, the first bead should now be at the bottom. Put on the second glass bead, make a loop, while the ends of the wire should return to the bead. Take them behind the glass bead, take them out from behind it on top of the product under the loop, which is made after the middle bead.

Step 6
Make one round of wire around the center bead, return the ends to the front side. Divide the wire. Twist one end into a curl. Twist the second into a curl at the top left. Note that both should fit snugly against the bead very tightly. Bite off excess wire with wire cutters.

Step 7
Put the resulting pendant on a beautiful decorative string or chain.