It is not that difficult to draw a human face from the front with a pencil in a two-dimensional image. But this process is very laborious. The most important thing here is to know the canonical proportions taken as a basis in ancient times. And then diligently apply them in practice, carefully observing the accuracy of the lines.

It is necessary
A lot of time, patience, inspiration, desire to create something beautiful, interest in the end result. As well as an album sheet, ruler, pencil, eraser
Step 1
Draw a rectangle on a sketchbook with a pencil. It will symbolize the extent to which you need to draw the face.
Divide the rectangle in half vertically and horizontally. The vertical line will be the center axis of the nose, and the horizontal line will be the eye.
Now, regardless of the central axes, divide the rectangle into 5 parts horizontally and 7 parts vertically. Draw the appropriate lines.
Let's denote the lines for convenience: horizontally by letters from A to F, vertically by numbers from 1 to 7.
Step 2
The human face resembles an egg or oval in shape, tapering downward. In addition, the skull line, being rounded at the top, tapers slightly towards the eyes. From the eyes to the lower jaw, the lines are more or less straight, slightly widening only in the cheekbones. Then, from the lower jaw, the lines begin to taper roundly towards the chin. The chin width corresponds to the CD line.
Step 3
Usually, the drawing of the face begins with the eyes. Draw the eyes between lines BC and DE and lines 3 and 4 according to the central axis. The eyes are shaped like an almond seed. The inner corners of the eyes lie on the same vertical lines as the wings of the nose. The eyelids should be slightly larger than the eyeballs, otherwise the eyes would not close.
Step 4
Line 3 is the brow line. The length of the eyebrows corresponds approximately to the lines BC and DE.
Line 4 is the central axis for the cheekbones. This is the widest part of the face after the top of the head, which corresponds to line 2.
Lines C and D, as well as lines 3 and 5, form the rectangle in which the nose is placed.
Line 6 runs along the lowest lip line, with the upper lip edges bounded by the central axis between lines 5 and 6. The lip pattern is bounded by line CD, with the lip edges protruding slightly further.
The ears are drawn between lines 3 and 5, and their farthest points protrude slightly beyond lines A and F.
Line 1 is the hairline. The edging of the hair follows the outline of the skull, ending at the ears.
Step 5
Naturally, few people have the correct facial features. When drawing from life, you will have to use the comparison method. To do this, stretching out the right hand with a pencil clamped in it forward and squinting one eye, we measure the length of each object. We pinch the length of the object on the pencil with our thumb and correlate it with other objects. For example, the length of the nose with the length of the entire face, the width of the eye with the width of the face.
Drawing is a lot of work. Only the endless application of the knowledge gained in practice can you achieve visible results and learn to draw "by eye", without building a grid. Train and you will definitely succeed.