Fortune telling on tarot cards is one of the most effective ways to predict future events. In the hands of a master, Tarot cards are truly capable of performing miracles, predicting all the turns of fate.

Step 1
Fortune-telling on cards is based on the well-known principle of Hermes Trismegistus: "What is below is similar to what is above." This means that the card layout is able to really reflect the events of the higher spheres, on which, ultimately, the fate of a person depends.
Step 2
The Tarot deck consists of 78 cards: the Elder (22 cards) and the Younger (56 cards) arcana. When divining the Tarot, there is a difference in which position - upright or upside down - the card will lie. Learning to read Tarot cards is quite difficult, it takes years to learn, but first you can master the simplest layouts.
Step 3
Before you start guessing, assess whether the cards are ready to talk to you today. To do this, place ten cards in a row, drawing ten cards at random from the deck. Estimate the ratio of correctly positioned to inverted cards. If there are more of the former, you can guess. If inverted prevails, postpone divination. The same number of cards in a straight and inverted position means that you do not need to know the answer to your question. This usually happens if the question is not serious (fortune-telling out of boredom) or you do not have the necessary energy connection with the cards. The latter is acquired by experience and selection of "your" deck of cards - the one that you like.
Step 4
To be able to understand what this or that alignment promises, find on the Internet a description of the meanings of each Tarot card. After that, start fortune telling - for example, find out what tomorrow promises you. Draw a card at random from the deck and look at its meaning, it will reflect the essence of the coming day.
Step 5
Wanting to know the answer to a question, draw two cards from the deck. The first one will talk about your opportunities and chances, the second about the possible difficulties. This method is appropriate to use if you are going to do something, but doubt the correctness of your decision. Tarot cards will tell you very clearly what awaits you if you make this decision.
Step 6
If you are interested in a person and you want to know what will happen in your relationship with him, draw five cards from the deck. Place the first one in the center: it symbolizes your current relationship with this person. Put the second on the left: she will tell about the feelings that he has for you. Place the third at the top: by it you can judge the thoughts of the person you are interested in. The fourth is placed on the right: it will inform you about what events may happen in your relationship in the near future. Put the fifth card at the bottom: it will show the result of your relationship.