Among the vast abundance of plants grown in the home, there is a group of ether-bearing plants. Several of these fragrant green friends will not only decorate the home interior, but also create an aromatherapy effect and improve the microclimate in the house.

When choosing plants for aromatherapy, do not get carried away with breeding them in large quantities. It is enough to limit ourselves to the cultivation of 3-4 specimens, which are well known, loved for their aromas, and most importantly, they will not cause allergic reactions in the family. The components that make up essential oils are volatile phytoncides that these plants secrete. Phytoncides ionize the air, have a beneficial effect on the human body, cleanse the air from pathogenic microbes. And due to the evaporation of moisture from the surfaces of the leaves, excessively dry air in the house is humidified. This is especially important in the winter.
The easiest plants to care for aromasadik
Laurel noble

Its aroma has a beneficial effect on respiratory tract diseases, relieves spasms with angina, headache. Even has a positive effect on spasms of the intestines and biliary tract. Laurel disinfects the air well

It helps well in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. Restores memory, relieves fatigue and apathy.
Pelargonium fragrant

It is useful in the treatment of neuroses, it is good for lowering arterial blood pressure. Regular inhalation of aromas of Pelargonium fragrant in a few weeks can strengthen the nervous system and relieve insomnia.
Plants with aromatherapy effect, which are suitable for aromatherapy - santolina, myrtle, lemon, lavender and others. To more effectively use the life-giving aromas of plants, you need to take a separate place for their cultivation. Best of all by the window, but not in a draft. Open vessels can be placed between plants to maintain moisture and increase the formation of medicinal volatiles.
The aromatherapy procedure itself is simple. To do this, you need to sit at a distance of half a meter from the plants and relax. A session of inhalation of medicinal aromas lasts 10-15 minutes. It should be carried out 1-2 hours after eating. For a better perception of aromas, it is good to simultaneously listen to pleasant soft-sounding music. The number of aroma treatments will depend on your well-being and desire.
Natural aromatherapy is useful for everyone, both sick and healthy people. After inhaling the healing aromas of plants, you fill yourself with the life-giving energy of nature.
In case of acute respiratory diseases, it is better not to carry out such procedures.