Ruby: Magical Properties

Ruby: Magical Properties
Ruby: Magical Properties

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Ruby is a stone of valor, power and might, a symbol of kings. It endows its owner with fearlessness, wisdom and incredible strength. Also, it is believed that this stone is able to predict the future and warn of dangers, therefore, the greatest of this world always kept it with them. For example, Monomakh's hat, the crown of Elizabeth I and other symbols of royal power are adorned with rubies.

Ruby: magical properties
Ruby: magical properties


Step 1

The origin of the ruby is described in the legend of the ancient Indian people, which has survived to this day. There was a certain powerful demon who ruled over the gods. They did not want to put up with it and killed the unclean one. Fearing that the giant would come to life, they divided his body into parts and smashed it to their possessions. The Sun God received demon blood. While he was carrying her to his parishes, he dropped a few drops that fell to the ground. In those places where they froze, there are deposits of rubies. Therefore, the stone is endowed with such strong magical properties.

Step 2

The magic of the ruby is undeniable. He was worshiped by the strongest of this world, and, having passed through the centuries, he is still famous for his abilities. The stone is the keeper of memories and lost time. Promotes mastery of energy power and magical knowledge, accompanies feats and victories. Ruby helps shy and timid people to fight complexes and various fears and gain self-confidence. It is believed that the stone is able to protect its owner from damage and evil eye, from deceitful people and false friends.

Step 3

Ruby must be worn with some care. Some legends say that the stone has the qualities of an energy vampire, that is, it takes away the vital energy and strength from its owner. Also, the ruby enhances the various inclinations of a person that prevail in his character: the sympathetic and kind becomes noble, and the cunning and greedy becomes greedy.

Step 4

Ruby also has medicinal properties. Various abilities are attributed to him. For example, to stop bleeding, maintain bodily health and mental balance, prevent inflammation, etc. It is also believed that the stone stimulates memory, relieves stress, and helps drive away bad thoughts. Ruby should be worn by people suffering from bone diseases, asthma, arthritis, hypotension and depression. The stone is able to stop epileptic seizures, restore vision and protect against wound inflammation.

Step 5

Not everyone can wear a ruby. The stone will share its power only with fearless, purposeful and determined people. Ruby abhors a duality of character. He can punish someone who is dishonest in achieving goals, and such a person will lose everything in an instant. The stone gives strength and vitality to those people who are engaged in hard physical labor, who earn their own bread. Ruby should not be worn by those suffering from high blood pressure and hemophilia.
