The Magical Properties Of Stones According To The Signs Of The Zodiac

The Magical Properties Of Stones According To The Signs Of The Zodiac
The Magical Properties Of Stones According To The Signs Of The Zodiac

The assertion that stones can influence the state and fate of a person existed in antiquity. Astrologers claim that those stones that are associated with the owner of the zodiac sign will have a beneficial effect.

The magical properties of stones according to the signs of the zodiac
The magical properties of stones according to the signs of the zodiac


Diamond, ruby, amethyst and sapphire are stones suitable for Aries. The diamond gives the wearer strength and gives purposefulness to achieve the intended goal. Such a stone helps to keep oneself in control, relieves stress and tension. Ruby reveals a sense of compassion in Aries, and also helps to heal spiritual wounds. The main task of this stone is to restore the owner's faith in himself. Amethyst is a stone that is able to calm and relieve nervous tension. With such a stone, a person will gradually learn to control his emotions. But the sapphire will add wisdom to its owner. It will be especially useful for younger people, as it will moderate their ardor, help control emotions, and reduce outbursts of anger.



Stones suitable for Taurus will help to cope with all imperfections. Emerald is a stone of wisdom and harmony. He will help Taurus to be more discerning, direct on the path of peace of mind. This stone is for people of pure soul who strive for self-improvement. Helps to gain confidence and gives determination to chrysoprase. This stone protects against failure, is a stimulant for the brain. Chalcedony gives the wearer a sense of joy and harmony, has a regenerating effect after stressful situations. Chalcedony suppresses the feeling of greed, making its owner more generous in relation to loved ones.


Stones suitable for Gemini will have positive properties: agate, alexandrite, beryl, topaz. Agate is endowed with properties thanks to which it helps Gemini to acquire stability and balance, directs the creative fuse in the right direction. With such a stone, you can come to success in your intended business. Beryl is also able to help solve problems and problems. This stone is the guardian of the family hearth, which will maintain harmony in relationships. Topaz is a real defender against dangerous passions. He will always help with emotional exhaustion, relieve stress. With such a stone, mental capabilities develop, the path to enlightenment can open.



Stones suitable for Cancers will become real talismans. Pearls will help develop talents, which you can not even guess about, is a real "luck magnet". The most suitable stone for Cancer will be an emerald. With him, a person will always keep his emotions under control, he will not be subject to melancholy and negative mood. Emerald will always help you to be liberated and remove the slightest manifestations of isolation. If there is a desire to overcome all your shortcomings, then the "Cat's Eye" is best suited. It is endowed with the ability to protect against the evil eye, can retain love, and also draw attention to its owner. Moonstone is suitable for people who are directly related to the moon. Such a stone will help in making difficult decisions, improve eloquence and the ability to persuade.

a lion

Stones suitable for Leos are best chosen in yellow. This sign is closely related to the Sun. Therefore, amber will give all its solar warmth to Lions. This mineral is guaranteed to give strength and beauty to its owner, being a powerful biostimulant. Wearing amber will stimulate the nervous system, help with cardiovascular diseases, which are common among Lions. Chrysolite will help improve relationships with people, give confidence, reveal the ability to attract and interest in your personality. This stone allows for restful sleep, supports the nervous system, and even treats stuttering. Topaz is a stone that attracts career success and wealth. He will be a faithful advisor in various matters. The owner of this stone gains wisdom, balance, will be able to tame rage and suppress bursts of negative emotions.



Stones suitable for Virgos bring happiness. Holders of chrysolite will always look attractive in the eyes of others. This stone liberates and gets rid of conservatism, promotes learning, gaining new knowledge. Jasper will always help to improve family relationships. Such a stone gives the owner a sense of tolerance. And nephrite will strengthen vitality, improve vision, kidney and liver function, and also has a warming effect.


Aquamarine, lapis lazuli, opal and tourmaline are Libra stones that are best used as talismans. Aquamarine will always help Libra calm down during sudden changes in mood. Lapis lazuli has the ability to clarify the mind, strengthen feelings of friendship and love. Such a stone will preserve youth and strengthen the physical condition. Opal will promote the pursuit of balance and harmony. This stone is suitable only for balanced people. But tourmaline is suitable for people with a changeable character. This talisman will develop only the positive aspects of its owner.


Gems suitable for Scorpions are aquamarine, garnet and black opal. Aquamarine will help you strive for mutual love and a happy future. Peace and tranquility are the main qualities that the owner of this stone acquires. Aquamarine jewelry will always help with toothaches and prevent diseases associated with the throat. Pomegranate enhances attractiveness and is considered the stone of lovers. Such a stone can bring down heat and relieve pain in the head. Pomegranate is a stone of good mood and positive thoughts. Well, opal is suitable for active representatives of the sign, which will restore balance and control in the intense life of Scorpio. Black opal will contribute to the desire to know oneself, direct all energy to self-development, save from nervous breakdowns and stress.



A special stone for Sagittarius has always been the stone of happiness - turquoise. Turquoise will become the main assistant in the planned affairs, will help to overcome all difficulties, and will push on profitable decisions. This stone is the main catalyst in the acquisition of determination. In addition to turquoise, yellow topaz and chrysolite are stones suitable for Sagittarius. Topaz will provide the owner with career growth and well-being. This stone is able to identify ill-wishers, will prompt the right choice. Soothes and bestows wisdom. Chrysolite will always turn away from rash actions. Such a stone contributes to the treatment of eye diseases, blood diseases.


Stones suitable for Capricorns are ruby, onyx and green malachite. Ruby enhances both positive and negative sides of character. Such a stone brings love and success. When danger approaches, the ruby darkens, warning its owner. Onyx has always been a stone that helps lead people. He endows his master with a strong memory, protects him from negative influences. And malachite will be able to play the role of a real healer. Such a stone has a positive effect on the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular diseases, affects the digestive system, and improves immunity.



The most successful stones suitable for Aquarius can be amethyst and zircon. A stone such as amethyst can bring good luck, maintain mental health, preserve health, and also warn of problems. Amethyst will help you focus on a specific task, will not let you fall into despair and lose hope. Such a stone "puts all thoughts on the shelves", directs all the energy in the right direction. Improving blood circulation is a very positive quality of this stone. Zircon will also have a beneficial effect on the mental capabilities of Aquarius. This is the best assistant in the quest to know the truth, to learn new things.


Aquamarine, pearls and amethyst are stones suitable for Pisces. Aquamarine will help fight negative character traits, "awaken" a sense of dignity in its owner, give decisiveness, and push to the desire to take care of others. Such a stone will not give you the opportunity to isolate yourself and go headlong into your dreams. Pearls will serve Pisces as a talisman of good luck and protection from the "evil eye". The color of such a stone can be used to determine the mood of its owner. Amethyst will bring good luck. Peace and tranquility will be guaranteed by the presence of this stone, which is also a symbol of faith and love.