Amber is a sun stone with powerful energy. For a very long time, scientists have argued about whether amber can be considered a stone. And in fact, the origin of this stone is very unusual. Amber is the petrified resin of pine trees. Amber deposits are discovered practically throughout Eurasia. On other continents, this stone is perceived as exotic.

The magical properties of amber
Amber has a strong positive energy. It cleans the aura of the person who wears it, gives hope for a happy future, helps to overcome depression and sets up exclusively positive emotions. No wonder, amber is useless to use in the rituals of black magic. It is simply impossible to damage this stone.
Amber jewelry is a powerful talisman that reliably protects a person from the evil eye and damage. You can put amber in the crib where the baby sleeps. It will give your baby reliable protection, sound sleep and protect him from negative influences.
Amber is able to transfer the energy of the sun to its owner and help make the most incredible dreams come true.
The healing properties of amber
Not only jewelry is made from amber, but also dishes, boxes and souvenirs. For a long time, this stone has gained fame as an excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent.
In official medicine, amber is a raw material for the production of succinic acid, a natural biostimulant.
Amber beads help cleanse the entire body of toxins and normalize the thyroid gland. Many different diseases can be cured with the help of amber. It helps to restore hair growth, hearing and vision impairments, fights lung diseases, intestinal infections.
What signs of the zodiac is amber suitable?
Amber is considered the stone of Leo. For this sign, a talisman with a sun stone will become a reliable amulet and helper.
In general, this stone is very democratic and suits almost all zodiac signs. The only exception is Taurus. In Taurus, the energy of amber causes rejection. This stone distracts them from their intended goal and scatters attention, forcing them to commit impulsive and rash acts much more often.