Divination For Christmas For The Coming Year

Divination For Christmas For The Coming Year
Divination For Christmas For The Coming Year

Table of contents:


On New Year's Eve, on Christmas Eve and during the Christmas time, you can guess. These fortune-telling are considered the most truthful. Most often, predictions are related to personal life or the forecast for the coming year. It is best to conduct a fortune-telling ritual at midnight, by candlelight. You should not tell anyone about what is predicted to you, otherwise it will not come true.

Divination for Christmas for the coming year
Divination for Christmas for the coming year

It is necessary

  • You will need
  • - 7 small cups
  • - a pinch of salt
  • - a pinch of sugar
  • - onion
  • - some water
  • - ring
  • - several coins


Step 1

Place all six ingredients in seven cups. And only one vessel will remain empty.

Step 2

The lights are turned off in the room, candles are lit, and all seven cups are placed in a row on the table. The fortuneteller should not see how objects are located.

Step 3

The fortuneteller is brought to the table with his eyes closed. He must choose only one cup, and its contents will reflect the prediction for the coming year:

- salt - numerous scandals, conflicts and troubles;

- sugar - continuous joyful moments, fun;

- onion - tears, resentment, a series of serious troubles;

- water - a smooth and calm life;

- a ring - a meeting of a betrothed / betrothed or an upcoming marriage;

- coins - financial well-being;

- an empty cup - nothing new will happen, life will be unchanged.
