The tall sandy castle on the seashore is fun from a carefree childhood. However, not every adult turns out to build a really high-quality sand castle. However, this is quite possible to learn.

What do you need
To build a sand castle, you will need:
- sand on the beach;
- a set of tools and accessories (pasta molds, knives and spatulas, brushes for fine work);
- scoops and scapula;
- basins, buckets, containers of various shapes;
- fantasy;
- headwear and sunscreen.
To make you more fun, involve a group of friends and young children in your activity. Unforgettable leisure is guaranteed for you!
How to create a sand castle
First, sketch out the future sand castle to visualize your future masterpiece. Decide exactly what tools and gadgets you need to create the conceived shapes of your project.
Choose the most suitable building plot on the beach. Remember to make sure it is far enough away from the water so that it will not be destroyed by the waves during high tide.
You can collect sand in a bucket in that part of the reservoir where water is constantly available. Such sand is quite wet, viscous and plastic, which is what is needed for the construction of a castle. You can do this: collect water in one container, sand in another. The latter will need to be moistened from time to time if it begins to dry out, and also mix well.
Place wet sand in the center of the castle building area. The sand should be brought in in small portions and worked fast enough so that it does not dry out.
Start building towers. Use buckets and molds to make sand pancakes, then stack them one on top of the other. The pyramid should have a conical shape, so as you gain height, slightly reduce the diameter of the uppermost "pancakes".
To smooth the gaps between the parts of the pyramid, gently pour water over them and touch up with a brush or spatula. After that, grab the next tower and build each one separately. Try to avoid premature drying of the sand as well as crumbling of the tower.
It is required to build walls between the finished towers. Knead portions of sand in the palms of your hands, shaking them for better compaction of the mass. Now create bricks for the walls. Make masonry carefully and quickly.
The finer work begins when you need to cut the teeth and windows on the towers. Arm yourself for this with a putty knife, small trowel or disposable plastic spoons / forks. Upper terraces, loopholes and doorways can be carved into the walls and towers. To complete the work around the castle, dig a deep ditch, making your fortress impregnable.