Types Of Feeding For Indoor Plants

Types Of Feeding For Indoor Plants
Types Of Feeding For Indoor Plants

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In order for your green pets to develop normally and not get sick, they need to be fed. Don't waste money on special fertilizers of dubious quality when natural products can be used. Here are seven recipes for natural flower food.

Types of feeding for indoor plants
Types of feeding for indoor plants

It is necessary

  • - Black tea
  • - citrus peels
  • - onion peel
  • - garlic
  • - banana peel
  • - eggshell
  • - yeast


Step 1

The use of black tea.

No, you don't need to give them a flower - it is intended exclusively for the soil to make it looser, but you don't need to pour tea into it either. Just combine the soil with the tea leaves in a 3: 1 ratio. If you have garden soil, it is better to insure yourself and decontaminate it before using it. How can I do this? Just put it in the freezer for 2-3 days. Soil fertilized with tea is best for growing plants with delicate roots.

In addition to the role of fertilizer, tea can also play the role of mulch: sprinkle the top layer of soil in the pot with tea leaves and loosen it a little. So the flower will be saved from drying out.


Step 2

Using orange / lemon peels.

Citruses not only strengthen the immune system for humans, but also for plants! They also stimulate their growth. When you eat tangerines or oranges, use lemon in a baking recipe, do not rush to throw the peels from these wonderful fruits into the trash can. Set them aside and then chop them. By the way, you can grind both those, and others, and the third together. Fill a liter jar with them and pour boiling water up to the middle. This citrus mixture should be infused for a day, after which it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. This fertilizer is suitable for indoor plants that prefer an acidic environment. Nourish them with a citrus mixture no more than twice a month!


Step 3

Using onion peels.

This vegetable protects not only our immunity from viruses and bacteria. It also protects plants from diseases and pests. But the flowers from the onion will only need the husk - it contains just the beneficial properties. Take a handful of onion skins and pour in a liter of hot water. Boil it over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Leave the broth for three hours, and then strain. This broth does not need to be watered, but sprayed; and you need to do this every two months. Onion broth should not be stored anywhere, it is intended for single use. So, if you have excess liquid left, it is better to pour it out.


Step 4

Using yeast.

Yeast is good for the root system. They also have a beneficial effect on the growth of green "pets". Here's how the fertilizer is prepared: a pinch of dry yeast is mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and poured with a liter of warm water; yeast fertilizer is infused for two hours; immediately before feeding, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Water the flowers every 10 days in the spring and summer, and once a month in the fall and winter.


Step 5

Using a banana peel.

Bananas are known to contain potassium. For indoor plants, it is useful in that it has a beneficial effect on their flowering. For the preparation of top dressing, we only need the peel. Fill a three-liter jar with it by 1/3 and sprinkle with a tablespoon of sugar without a slide. Fill the contents with water and leave in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. Remember to shake the mixture every three days. Strain the finished fertilizer and refrigerate. Before using the fertilizer, dilute it 1:20 and water the flowers once a month.


Step 6

Using eggshells.

Chicken egg shells are a living source of calcium! Calcium strengthens plant roots and reduces soil acidity. In addition, eggshells are an excellent analogue to drainage. Mix in a 1: 5 ratio the crushed shells with warm water and leave for 2-3 weeks. Stir the infusion periodically. Water the plants no more than twice every two months. And as a drainage, use it like this: pour it on the bottom of the pot before transplanting the plant with a two centimeter layer.


Step 7

Using garlic.

It is an excellent means of fighting viruses and fungi in both humans and plants. And also - excellent disease prevention.

Pour 200 g of garlic with a liter of water, close the dishes tightly and put in a dark place for five days. Then strain the infusion. Fertilizer is prepared from the resulting concentrate: two liters of water and a tablespoon of garlic infusion. They can both water and spray flowers. And you need to do this no more than three times a month.
