Charlie Chaplin is not only a great actor and director. He became famous as a heartthrob and connoisseur of female beauty. The famous comedian was married four times, but he met true love only at the age of 54.

First marriages: falling in love and failure
Chaplin preferred young and very beautiful women. Contemporaries noted that the actor was very charming, a rare woman in whom he showed interest remained indifferent.
The first chosen one was sixteen-year-old Mildred Harris. Charlie himself was 29, and he was just starting his dizzying career. The marriage was forced, the bride was expecting a child. Later, Chaplin himself noted that he did not feel much love for Mildred, it was a momentary passion. At the time of marriage, young people knew each other very little. Disagreements began instantly. Mildred turned out to be petty, limited, interested only in fashion and life. Even the child did not hold the family together: the newborn son died on the third day. A year later, Chaplin began divorce proceedings.

The second wife was no less young, because of her age, the marriage had to be registered in Mexico. Lita Gray was an actress and starred in 3 Chaplin films. Later, one of the actor's biographers wrote. That Charlie's relationship with his bride formed the basis of Nabokov's novel Lolita.
The marriage lasted longer than the first, but the couple were not too close spiritually. But Chaplin admired the beauty of Lita. During their life together, two sons were born, Charles Jr. and Sidney Earl. However, after birth, it was clear that the relationship would not last long. And so it happened. The marriage was dissolved after just 4 years. As a result of the process, Chaplin paid his ex-wife a record compensation: at that time he was a successful actor with impressive fees.

Third companion. Paulette Godard, known to the public and journalists better than previous wives. She was also an actress, distinguished by her spectacular appearance and real talent. Paulette starred in 2 of Chaplin's iconic films The Great Dictator and New Times. The relationship began in 1932, the public was sure that Godard was just Chaplin's mistress. However, later his biographers clarified: in 1936, the couple entered into a secret marriage. Charlie and Paulette understood each other perfectly, but the relationship was destroyed by constant creative rivalry. As a result, the couple broke up. By 1940, the actor was free again and ready for a new relationship.
Last Love: Una O'Neill
Chaplin never suffered from a lack of female attention. However, he dreamed not of spectacular public relations, but of a real family that would not be hindered by a career. By the time he was fifty, Charlie had come to terms with it. That his destiny is beauties who dream of roles and are ready to do anything for a good relationship with the director.

In the early 40s, Chaplin was looking for an actress to film a new play. He was interested in young Una O'Neill. The girl was ideal for the role, but the unexpected happened: she herself refused such a privilege, explaining that she plans to focus not on her career, but on her family. At that time, the decisive beauty was only 18, and Chaplin celebrated his 54th birthday.
The age difference of 36 years surprised and terrified many, but not Unu. Charlie's biographers have written. That he himself doubted whether he could make such a young girl happy. But Miss O'Neill insisted on marriage. Her father was categorically against a relationship with a man who is only a year younger than himself. However, Una achieved the blessing and never regretted it.
Family life
The wedding took place in 1943. Later, Chaplin said that he had no idea how much happiness a truly loved one can give. The actor had a difficult character, but the young wife turned out to be wise beyond her age and skillfully smoothed out sharp corners.

In the marriage, 8 children were born: sons Christopher, Mike and Eugene, daughters Geraldine, Josephine, Victoria, Joanna, Anna-Emil. The last child was born when Chaplin was 72 years old.
The couple lived together for 34 years, until the death of the great artist. Chaplin always admired his wife, her beauty, grace, intelligence, ability to organize life and unite the family around him. The couple had to go through difficult times: 10 years after the wedding, they left the country forever, renouncing US citizenship. The family moved to Switzerland. Parents and children were tied by strong love, and Charlie admitted: such harmony was achieved only thanks to the efforts and cares of Una.