10 Most Dangerous Indoor Plants

10 Most Dangerous Indoor Plants
10 Most Dangerous Indoor Plants

Houseplants make the home cozy, they are good for people: they absorb carbon dioxide and humidify the air. But still, you need to choose them very carefully, because in the plant world there are representatives that are very dangerous to humans.

Houseplants dangerous to humans
Houseplants dangerous to humans

There are quite a few dangerous indoor plants, and some at first glance seem completely harmless. Of course, adults will not taste flowers and leaves, and children and animals can pull a bright but poisonous flower into their mouths. It is better to know in advance about poisonous plants and bypass them.

It looks like a small palm tree with dense green leaves and a thick stem. This plant has poisonous milky sap and seeds, which can cause burns, irritation and blisters on the skin. If milkweed juice gets into the eyes, temporary blindness and severe inflammation of the conjunctiva are possible. In case of severe poisoning, a person may experience dizziness, convulsions, circulatory disorders, and even delirium.

The poison is found in all green parts of the plant. Especially often pets suffer from dieffenbachia juice, cats die if even a few drops get into the mouth. In humans, symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythms, and swollen tongue.

This is an exotic flower that appeared in our country not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. Interestingly, the poison of this plant is still used in African tribes. They grease the arrowheads. It definitely shouldn't be grown in homes where small children, animals, or people with asthma live.

Ficus is one of the favorites of florists, it can be found in every third house. It cannot be categorically called a poisonous plant, but it is a dangerous allergen. It can be bred at home, but you need to take precautions, especially beware of getting the juice on the skin.


It is unlikely that an inexperienced gardener will be able to grow it. Azalea, also called a rodendron, is not harmful to humans unless its poisonous nectar or leaves are ingested. Dangerous sap is contained in leaf plates, it causes vomiting, watery eyes, nasal discharge and salivation.

There are many fans of cyclamen among flower growers, and some of them grow this plant from seeds. The flower is demanding and capricious, it needs special care and special temperature conditions. However, few people know that cyclamen has poisonous tubers, their poison is similar to that of curare.

It can often be found in children's rooms because of the bright and different shades of colors. But this is a poisonous plant, and all its parts are dangerous. During flowering, primrose secretes alkaloids that cause nausea and dizziness. The poison is also found on the hairs of the leaves, touching them can provoke itching and burning. To avoid this, hands should be thoroughly washed after contact with the plant.

Florists are madly in love with this plant for its bright large buds that open at the same time and create a huge bouquet. But this is a poisonous plant, its leaves and rhizome are especially dangerous. Clivia juice is so dangerous that it can cause paralysis.


This flower is popular in Europe and America, but recently it is often found in our flower shops. It is a plant of the nightshade family with beautiful and fragrant lilac flowers. Brunfelsia is dangerous to humans, the poison is found in all parts of the plant.

It is dangerous only if the poison enters the human body in large quantities. The juice of this plant is safe for the skin, but in case of poisoning, severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear, in especially dangerous situations, hair loss, blood clotting disorders, and kidney damage are possible.
