Blue is the color of emotion and communication. Such tones give the impression of lightness, airiness, ethereality, coolness, calmness. They symbolize purity, intelligence, constancy and tenderness. The color of dreams and dreams, peace, harmony. In India, blue is a symbol of truthfulness, in Brazil it is a symbol of sadness, for the Chinese it is one of the mourning flowers. Look at the sky, how blue it is! Color can be obtained by combining two two colors, white and blue. Mixing is suitable for all paints. Start with gouache.

It is necessary
- Album sheet
- Gouache white and blue
- Can of water
- Brush No. 6
- Palette
Step 1
Find a place to mix colors. Prepare all the materials on the table and proceed. For a blue tint, use white paint (on the tip of the brush). Stir it on a palette with a little water and gradually add a drop of blue paint. Mix everything thoroughly. Try a few strokes on the album sheet. Let dry a little, about ten minutes. If it matches the expected color, then the paint is ready.
Step 2
For a more intense color, add some more blue, stir and taste. Add this paint little by little, until you get the blue color that matches your idea. Do not forget to make strokes on the sheet, this is the only way to make sure what color you want.