Blue cornflower is an unpretentious plant found both in Russia and in many European countries. The people call it: hair, blue flower, patchwork, cyanosis. This interesting flower is in demand in folk medicine, as well as in magic.

Blue cornflower for magical purposes must be handled extremely carefully. The fact is that this plant has a very strong energy, which not every person is able to endure. In addition, cornflower smoke can provoke hallucinations, as well as cause anxiety, strong - irrational - fear. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful to fumigate the premises with blue cornflower.
Blue cornflower is a first-class natural remedy against various evil spirits. In old beliefs it is said that with the help of bouquets of fresh flowers, you can expel any demons, evil spirits, and entities from your home. However, one should resort to the help of a cornflower only when there is no doubt that guests from another world have arrived in the house. To carry out the ritual, it is enough to read the conspiracy over fresh flowers, and then spread them in the room, leaving them overnight. In the early morning, cornflowers need to be collected and taken out of the house, in order to then destroy (burn, bury, throw into a river or swamp).
Despite the fact that blue cornflower is a flower that perfectly fights against evil spirits, due to its strong and crushing energy, this plant is rarely used as a personal protective talisman. On the other hand, this flower is suitable to protect the house from any evil, from damage and evil eye, from cruel and insidious people. To do this, you need to plant a blue cornflower in the garden or on the balcony. By the same principle, in the distant past, our ancestors sowed blue cornflower seeds along the edges of the field. It was believed that the sprouted flowers would preserve the harvest and generally contribute to the fertile soil.
Blue cornflower can help in the development of psychic abilities, it increases intelligence and opens up secret knowledge to a person. And also with the help of this plant, you can see the future. To do this, blue heads of fresh flowers are thrown into a fire, and then they look at the flame and smoke. Upcoming events can come in a dream, if you put a few dried flowers of blue cornflower under the pillow at night.
In love magic, this plant is in great demand. It is believed that a very powerful love potion can be prepared with the help of blue cornflower. Moreover, from a magical point of view, blue cornflower itself is capable of attracting love or strengthening existing feelings, igniting passion.
In order for the spouses to develop excellent relationships, the attraction to each other does not pass, dry flowers of blue cornflower should be placed under the mattress of their bed. A bouquet of fresh flowers placed in the bedroom will bring harmony and peace to the home.
If a single person really wants to find a match for himself, then he needs to carry a cornflower in his pocket. The flower, which has many different magical properties, will attract new people to its owner, among whom there will be the very personality that is destined by fate.
Sometimes blue cornflower is used as a plant that establishes a connection with the other world and with the souls of the dead. Also, this flower is used in rituals, with the help of which the evil eye, damage and curses are removed. Blue cornflower is added to decoctions designed to destroy any negative magical effects and protect against all evil.