How Wild Rosemary Is Used In Magic And Folk Medicine

How Wild Rosemary Is Used In Magic And Folk Medicine
How Wild Rosemary Is Used In Magic And Folk Medicine

Ledum belongs to the heather family. Western researchers began to include it in the genus rhododendron, but in Russia this statement is not yet supported, although in the Far East many people call the rosemary rhododendron daurian. Despite the fact that this plant is very poisonous, it is often used in traditional medicine. Also wild rosemary is used in black magic and shamanism.


How can wild rosemary be used in magic and in everyday life?

There are many guidelines for using rosemary. First of all, it is the strongest drug used in traditional medicine. Practicing magicians use it to perform rituals, and shamans use it to enter the astral plane.

Ledum in magic

This plant is used for performing rituals of black magic. With the help of it, you can bring damage, curse, madness, confusion to a person, destroy relationships, make a woman sterile, and a man impotent.

Also wild rosemary helps to summon evil spirits and entities. In many recommendations for the use of wild rosemary in magic, you can read that with the help of it, rooms are fumigated to cleanse them of negativity. This is not entirely true. When fumigating an apartment with wild rosemary, you can summon evil spirits or evil spirits, but not eliminate them in any way. In order to clean the room, other herbs are used, including dill, lavender, wormwood, nettle, aruna.

The name of the plant comes from the word "wild rosemary", which means "to poison". Therefore, wild rosemary is one of the most poisonous plants. Although it is used to treat many diseases, you should not experiment with rosemary and apply it yourself without knowing the intricacies of rituals or treatment. Even collectors of herbs, flowers and plants collect and dry it in special masks or bandages, because with prolonged inhalation of vapors, you can get serious poisoning.

In addition, wild rosemary causes severe headaches if you keep it in the apartment as a decoration or stay for a long time in the places where it grows. It is not for nothing that the people also call it "hemlock" or "marsh stupor", although there is another plant with this name, which has nothing to do with wild rosemary.

Ledum in magic
Ledum in magic

Shamans use the plant for rituals, rituals and ceremonies. Ledum has an effect on the nervous system, therefore shamans say that with its help one can make a trip to the astral plane or open paranormal abilities and clairvoyance in a person.

Witches and sorcerers use wild rosemary to prepare poisonous potions.

In England in ancient times, children were strictly forbidden to touch this plant. Parents told their kids that if you touch him, the devil himself will appear and take the child to his underworld.

Ledum in folk medicine

Although wild rosemary is poisonous for certain diseases, it can literally work wonders. Healers, healers, herbalists, and sometimes traditional doctors recommend using it to treat whooping cough, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.

There are many described cases when the use of wild rosemary for the treatment of pneumonia literally saved a person from an abscess and quickly put him on his feet.

It is important to remember that you should not use decoctions or wild rosemary infusions without special recommendations. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the tips for brewing, infusing and using the decoction. Overdose can lead to body poisoning.

Ledum tincture is also used for bites of mosquitoes and midges, bruises, bruises, frostbite.
