How Mother And Stepmother Is Used In Magic

How Mother And Stepmother Is Used In Magic
How Mother And Stepmother Is Used In Magic

Mother-and-stepmother is a small spring flower of yellow color. It willingly grows in forests or ravines, and in urban wastelands or near residential buildings. Mother and stepmother boasts a variety of healing properties. However, the plant is used not only in folk medicine, but also in magic, since nature has rewarded the mother-and-stepmother with magical powers.

The magical properties of mother-and-stepmother
The magical properties of mother-and-stepmother

Mother-and-stepmother is a plant in which two energies are balanced: passive and active. Therefore, the use of this flower in magic can give both harmony and tranquility, and cheerfulness. In addition, the coltsfoot plant has a beneficial effect on the energy situation in the house. Fresh and or dried flowers are not used for protection, but bouquets of them are able to "swing" energy in any room, cleanse it of negativity. Most of the "stagnant" energy is hidden in the corners of the rooms, in these places and it is recommended to keep magical bouquets of mother and stepmother.

If you place fresh flowers near the bed, then the energy of the plant will help get rid of nightmares, help you fall asleep quickly and give you a burst of energy in the morning. Also, the mother-and-stepmother "slows down" the flow of thoughts, relieves of worries and anxieties, helps to get rid of mental stress.

To maintain peace and harmony in the family, the mother-and-stepmother must be placed in the bedroom of the spouses. The passive energy of the flower will "extinguish" aggression and irritability, relieve quarrels and misunderstandings. The active energy of the plant will awaken the senses and strengthen the marriage union.

It is worth noting that the yellow little mother-and-stepmother is especially popular in love magic. First, the flower is a natural aphrodisiac. Secondly, among its magical properties, the ability to attract love to a single person is noted. Thirdly, the mother-and-stepmother helps to find a common language with the chosen one (chosen one). Using the plant in love magic, the mother-and-stepmother is put in dry form in amulets and talismans, which afterwards should always be carried with you and not shown to anyone.

Mother-and-stepmother is not usually used for the development or disclosure of psychic abilities. However, due to the fact that the plant has a magical effect on dreams, it is often used as a natural remedy for inducing prophetic dreams. To do this, the plant is dried and hidden in a small bag, which is then placed under a pillow or under a mattress.

Sometimes a magic mother-and-stepmother is used as one of the components of smoking mixtures or mixtures for fumigation of premises, for incense. It is believed that the smoke from the plant awakens intuition, can help see the future, and also cleanse negative attachments, evil entities.

Healers and magicians turn to mother-and-stepmother not only when it is necessary to make an herbal mixture for coughs and shortness of breath. It is believed that the magical properties of a flower help to generally strengthen, improve health, return a person to good health, and prevent the development of various diseases. Therefore, mother-and-stepmother is often added to various fees. However, a personal amulet with a mother-and-stepmother will also be effective for good health and long life. In this case, it is not necessary to use a real plant, you can choose a flower pattern or embroidery with it. Such an amulet should be worn closer to the body, talking about maintaining health, youth and improving well-being.

Mother-and-stepmother can become a wonderful talisman for people who, according to the horoscope, are Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Aries. Such a talisman will help in life, attract success and prosperity to its owner.
