With the help of birth dates, you can find out the compatibility index and better understand your connection with a person. Someone meets in life as a friend, someone as a partner. It happens that a person tries to build family relationships with a partner, but their natal charts indicate that the relationship can only be business, there are no coincidences on the planet of love Venus, but the person suffers, not understanding the reason for the breakdown of the relationship.

Analysis of long-term marriages revealed several factors in the synastry. In astrology, this is called "sign-house relationship." Long-lasting happy relationships are guaranteed if one of the partners has the Sun in Leo, and the other has the Sun or the Moon in the V house or ascending Leo. Also, kinship relations arise in the case of: Aries, Mars and I house; … Pisces, Neptune and XII house.
Another related feature is how the planets interact in the same element, even if they are outside the orb. Example: Mercury of one of the partners is at the 25th degree of Gemini, and the Sun of the other partner is at the 12th degree of Aquarius, although there is no aspect of the trigon here, but there is a natural understanding.
When natal charts are superimposed, the third type of "kinship" can be seen, so if one partner has the aspect of Venus in Capricorn or Saturn in Libra, and the other has Venus / Saturn, then this indicates general views on love and fidelity.
An important factor in a lasting marriage is the exact connection of the ruling planets of the Asz partners, if they are still in each other's corner houses. Example: one of the partners has a Sagittarius ascendant Jupiter at Gemini 22 degrees, while the other Capricorn ascendant has Saturn at Gemini 22 degrees. Saturn is responsible for the longevity of the relationship, and Jupiter gives confidence to his partner in social life.
When the marriage is close to rupture, then the progressive Venus of one of the partners forms a square to Uranus, Mars or Neptune of the other partner.
Sexual compatibility
The location of the planets Mars and Venus indicate the sexual compatibility of partners.
If they are located in fire signs: Leo, Aries or Sagittarius, it is believed that such people have a strong temperament. Unfortunately, they quickly "burn out". Passionate at first, having received what they want, they weaken the ardor. The positive thing here is that these signs characterize loyalty to a partner.
If Mars and Venus are located in the air signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, this has a negative effect on sexual potential.
When in the natal chart Venus and Mars are in water signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, such a person is gentle and romantic. Fatal passion is not peculiar to him.
The location of Mars and Venus in the earth signs: Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus, makes these people practical in love. For sex, they need a comfortable, pleasant environment.
In the synastry, a sign of sexual compatibility is the location of Mars in a man and Venus in a woman. The trigon that develops between the planets in the same element also suggests that strong sexual affection arises between partners.
Ideal when there is a square in the synastry of two partners. He speaks not only about sexual compatibility, but also about the fact that passion will not fade over the years.