They say that the fate of a person is determined by the star under which he was born. When choosing a life partner in some countries, for example, in India, it is customary to compare the horoscopes of the bride and groom, and sometimes weddings are canceled as a result of incompatibility. In European countries, there are no strict definitions on this score, information about the horoscope of a loved one (beloved) rather presupposes knowledge of what to beware of in a relationship in order to avoid quarrels and breaks in the future. Astrologers believe that the task of an individual is to get out of his sign, change those character traits that hinder him in life and better reveal the positive sides of his "I".

Compatibility types of horoscopes
There are 2 main types of horoscope compatibility: western and eastern. The western horoscope is guided by 12 months of the year, while the eastern one is based on 12 annual cycles related to totem signs. The Chinese horoscope is especially interesting, in which the compatibility of signs is specified by year of birth. The numerological forecast by last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth also helps to analyze the horoscopes of a couple.
Horoscope compatibility
The compatibility of horoscopes can be checked by referring to the horoscopes of two people - a man and a woman who decided to tie the knot. There are quite a few horoscopes: Druids, Japanese, Vedic, Celtic, Zoroastrian. There are horoscopes for a long period of life, for a year, even for a day. You may not believe in the everyday forecast, but the general characteristics of this or that sign often coincide with the idea that was created after a long conversation with a familiar person.
The most popular Western, zodiac horoscope contains general characteristics, descriptions of health, culinary preferences and attitudes towards alcohol, cosmetics and fragrances for women, medicinal plants and mascot stones, love compatibility of signs. There are quite a few sex horoscopes.
In the Chinese horoscope, which is based on a 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of an animal. And it is believed that a person born in this year receives a number of innate qualities of this animal and begins to build his life in a similar way.
The interpretations of different astrologers may not coincide in details, but, in general, they are similar to each other. People born under the same constellation sign may coincide in many respects with each other, but this does not yet prove the compatibility of these persons in a team or home environment. They can be passionate lovers, but, due to the similarity of characters, they will not yield to each other in everyday life, and this will lead to the fact that a long-term relationship will be impossible for this couple.
Very often, happy couples form with signs with opposite characters, they find a common language better in marriage. Much depends on the upbringing in the family, national traditions, therefore, what is written in the horoscope does not always come true, when working on oneself, love and patience of both, one can establish contact regardless of the location of the stars.