One hundred is a number. One meter is one hundred centimeters. When we are on a diet, we count how many calories and carbohydrates are in one hundred grams. But let's play a little, break away from reality, practice our imagination, and together we will think about how we can decipher such a simple word “one hundred”. Let's look at a few examples of decoding the abbreviation "STO", and then everyone can continue in the same vein, as far as imagination suffices.

Step 1
Service Station. The most trivial and boring, but at the same time the most commonly used option.
Step 2
Dance Studio "Ocharovashka". A great name for a female dance studio school, attracts attention and stands for funny. All the most beautiful girls in the city will want to hone their plastic in an institution with that name.
Step 3
Secret Transmeditation Organization. It is rather a name for some secret religious society.
Step 4
Funny, Creative, Charming. This could be a theater group, a comedy troupe, or a party agency.
Step 5
Most Talented Monkeys. The name for a circus act with monkeys.
Step 6
Sexy Typical Seductresses. Think of the use case for the brand yourself.
Step 7
Gloomy Theater Association. So you can call some theatrical society with a mystical repertoire.
Step 8
Sausages Exactly Excellent. Not a bad name for a new sausage variety.
Step 9
Sit down, Taxi Driver Will take you. City taxi service of the seaside town.
Step 10
How Many Are There Lonely? Marriage Agency.
Step 11
Become That Witty. School of public speaking.
Step 12
Herring, Tulka, Sturgeon. Name for a fish stand.
Step 13
Self-sufficient, Patient, Open. Men's hobby club.
Step 14
You yourself are a Donkey. An offensive curse in everyday life expressed by an abbreviation.
Step 15
Saratov, Tambov, Orel. National team regional team in any sport.
Step 16
Become Thin Osinka. Fintes club.
Step 17
The heart will definitely stop. A telegram of a poor lover to his beloved girl.
Step 18
Somova Tatiana Olegovna. This is a woman.
Step 19
The Most Tragic Image. Nominated for a film award.
The Most Foggy Image. Same.
Step 20
Sit down, Only One. Password for a friend when you don't want to take anyone else with you.
Blend of Tequila and Cologne. The husband returned from a corporate party.
Hear Only Excellent. Hearing Aids.
Most Accurate Oscilloscopes. Advertising of measuring equipment.