How To Decipher New Year's Dreams

How To Decipher New Year's Dreams
How To Decipher New Year's Dreams

New Year's dreams are considered special. From December 25 to January 20, dreams are prophetic. They are divided into literal prophetic and symbolic. It is believed that dreams that came at this time will come true within the next year.

Decoding New Year's dreams
Decoding New Year's dreams

Under the literal prophetic New Year's dreams are meant dreams in which there is no connotation. They come true in life in the form in which they dreamed. It is not difficult to distinguish between a literal prophetic dream: its plot and all the events in it echo with what happens in life. In such a dream, there are people and places that really exist and play a certain role for the dreamer.

Symbolic New Year's dreams are filled with signs, individual images, objects or objects, strange people, sensations, tastes, and so on. The plots in them can be incoherent. Often, symbolic New Year's dreams are not remembered in detail. They leave behind an aftertaste, affect mood, emotions and thoughts. Often in the morning it turns out to remember only certain elements of the dream, which are important.

However, not all New Year's dreams can be deciphered. Some of them are meaningless and not prophetic. This applies to confused and meaningless dreams, those dreams that left nothing behind. As well as dreams about events and circumstances that happened in the past.

A little about interpretation and fortune-telling

Well-being and mood play a big role in deciphering what was seen on holiday nights. Even if the dream was pleasant and interesting, but in the morning after waking up, the mood is bad, then problems, tears and sadness await in the future.

Nightmares on New Year's Eve warn of the many dangers, difficulties and crises that await in the coming year.

If you can't remember the dream, but the next morning the state is elated, the emotional mood is stable, then you shouldn't wait for the beginning of the black bar in the near future.

New Year's dreams are suitable for fortune-telling. So, for example, before going to bed on the night of January 1, you need to think about your cherished dreams. If anything from the plan is dreamed of, then the wish will certainly come true next year. Young girls can also guess at the betrothed.

To accurately decipher the signs, you need to refer to the dream books. However, there are several key symbols with a specific meaning.

New Year's dreams
New Year's dreams

The main symbols of New Year's dreams and their interpretation

If you saw dead relatives, you need to try to remember what they were talking about. Often the dead come on New Year's Eve to give advice or warn about something.

When a stranger dreamed, you should wait for new people to appear in your life. It is possible that among them there will be kindred spirits, faithful friends or a loved one destined by fate.

If an image of an amazing and beautiful place appeared in a dream, which in reality does not exist, it is likely that cardinal changes will occur in life in the next 12 months. Moreover, they will be associated only with favorable and joyful events.

To see money or a lottery ticket in the New Year in a dream - to profit, financial well-being, to prosperity. Perhaps next year there will be an additional and stable source of income.

Candles and lights in New Year's dreams promise good health and great well-being all year round. It will turn out to defeat old diseases.

If a person flew in a dream, this indicates a rapid career takeoff, professional or creative development. Drinking water in a New Year's dream means forgetting about problems at work. Climbing a mountain - overcoming work difficulties and emerging victorious in disputes with colleagues, bosses.

When the dreamer sees himself asleep, this promises him success, fame and good fortune in the next 12 months.

Happy and positive events foreshadow dreams in which kittens, white birches, warm mittens or gloves, delicious meat treats, a bonfire or an open fire appear.

To see a horse or a horse in a dream on New Year's Eve is not a very good sign. Money problems are likely in the future, there is a risk that health will deteriorate.
