Fire is a destructive element, however, in a dream, it can symbolize purification, change and the beginning of a new life. Dreams about a fire do not necessarily portend anything bad, because it is not for nothing that the ancients said that fire is both a friend and an enemy to man.

Fire in the house
If in a dream you see that a fire has started in your house, then get ready for quarrels, partings and scandals in the family. A bright and impetuous flame means outbursts of anger and a stormy showdown, accompanied by screams and recriminations.
If you see that fire is destroying your room, as it engulfs your things, it means that soon you will become a victim of intrigue. You will be accused of something that you did not do, and you will have to make excuses for a long time to restore your reputation.
To see a person burning in a dream

Such a dream does not bode well. It can mean the illness and death of this person, especially if he cannot be saved. Black smoke also signifies danger. If, in addition, you hear a cracking sound, it means that there will be a lot of rumors, gossip and talk about this person's illness, but no one can help him.
If in a dream a person manages to escape from the fire and remain alive, then this means for him a complete recovery and purification, especially when you see puffs of light smoke.
See the fire from afar
If some unfamiliar building is on fire, and you are watching it from the side, then get ready for pleasant events, travel, interesting acquaintances. It is possible that soon you will receive a tempting offer that can completely change your life.
In a dream, you put out a fire
Soon events will happen in your life, and you will have to show courage and perseverance to get out of the circumstances as a winner, but on the other hand, the reward for your efforts will exceed all expectations. If you manage to put out a fire in a dream, then expect a promotion and success on the personal front. A favorable period will soon come in your life.
Take part in arson
If in a dream you deliberately start a fire, and then observe how the flames that have flared up devour everything around, then this means your inner dissatisfaction and the desire to change your life. You crave change and look for your place in life. The time for decisive action will come soon, and you will do your best to not miss your chance.
Lightning struck the ground and a fire started. This dream can be interpreted unambiguously: soon you will meet the main person in your life.
Seeing a firefighter in a dream

A man in uniform symbolizes a close friend, helper, ally. It all depends on how you see it. If he is complacent towards you, then expect help from a person close to you. If in a dream he is angry with you or has a clear dislike for you, then this may mean betrayal, envy and disapproval of your actions by others.