Why Is A Thunderstorm Dreaming

Why Is A Thunderstorm Dreaming
Why Is A Thunderstorm Dreaming

When a thunderstorm is dreamed in a dream, it can be both a good omen and a bad sign at the same time. The general plot of the dream is of great importance. And also the emotions that the dreamer experiences are important.

Thunderstorm in a dream
Thunderstorm in a dream

Most often, a thunderstorm in a dream is interpreted as a harbinger of some change. At the same time, changes will be abrupt, global, and rapid. You cannot avoid them. If in a dream the thunder roared deafening and scary, one should expect that changes in life will burst simultaneously with some stunning news. You should be prepared for the fact that changes and news will not necessarily be favorable.

If you dreamed of a thunderstorm at the moment when the dreamer is vainly trying to solve any problem, then such a dream is a signal of incorrect decisions. It is worth reconsidering your attitude to the situation, enlisting support from the outside, and trying to come up with a new plan of action.

A slight thunderstorm in a dream reports on numerous troubles and small events that will soon burst into the dreamer's life. Although they will not be painted in gloomy tones, they will take a lot of energy, time and nerves. There is a risk of getting into some kind of stressful situation that will ruin your mood.

A thunderstorm in a dream, which a person watches from the side or from the window of his house, is considered a positive sign. A similar dream in dream books is interpreted in such a way that fate will give the dreamer a solution to a complex problem. And even if a person is currently in a difficult situation, he can relax, because all difficulties will soon be resolved by themselves. It will turn out to prevent scandals and quarrels at home.

The dream in which a person sees a receding thunderstorm is also positively deciphered. This bodes well for tempting prospects. If there is a downpour around, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, but the dreamer remains dry and does not feel a sense of fear, then he will be able to withstand all the difficulties that await him on the path of life. It is highly likely that the dreamer will be embroiled in a scandal at work or at home, but he will be able to defuse the situation, smooth over sharp corners and find a compromise.

Bright lightning, which does not cause alarm, portends fun, interesting meetings, positive events. It is possible that a person who saw a thunderstorm in a dream and experienced joyful feelings from this will soon receive an expensive, valuable or desired gift.

A dry thunderstorm in a dream informs that among the closest environment there is a person who has very strong passionate feelings for the dreamer. A person should be prepared for the fact that in the foreseeable future this person will confess to him his desires, in love. A bright thunderstorm, which does not cause fear in a dream, can also be interpreted as a harbinger of a new romantic adventure. There is a chance that a sudden flirtation will develop into a dizzying and long enough romance, which will leave behind extremely positive memories and impressions.

When a sick person dreamed of a thunderstorm, do not worry and panic. Such a dream is a favorable sign. The disease will be defeated, very soon it will recede, and the person will feel a surge of vitality.

The fact that new acquaintances are plotting something unkind against the dreamer is indicated by a dream in which a thunderstorm began spontaneously. Thunder from a clear blue sky also indicates that you will soon have to face some kind of trouble at work. There is a risk of losing confidence, losing your position.
