Why Is Hair Dreaming

Why Is Hair Dreaming
Why Is Hair Dreaming

Hair in a dream is a reflection of one's own personality. What happens to them testifies to the experiences and upcoming events in the fate of the one who dreams of hair. It is also important that the hair covers the part of the human skull where the points of absorption and emission of energy connecting with space are located. Therefore, everything that happens to hair in a dream can be associated with emotional experiences and spiritual research.

Hair in a dream can be a good and bad sign
Hair in a dream can be a good and bad sign

Combing your hair in a dream means a desire to put things in order, to deal with small, but obsessive painful situations. According to the second interpretation, such a dream portends retribution for frivolous behavior.

A dream in which hair falls out has a negative meaning. This speaks of a loss of strength, future experiences, or elementary physical fatigue. Such a dream indicates the need to take a break.

At the same time, seeing yourself in a dream with a thick shock of hair has the opposite meaning - in reality, the strength will only increase. According to another interpretation, thick hair in a dream indicates wealth and prosperity. A shock of hair blazing with fire also portends abundance and a comfortable existence.

Seeing yourself in a dream with black hair for the owner of hair of a different color promises an unexpected and pleasant gift soon.

Unusually long hair in a dream portends an unpleasant and shameful situation in the future. The symbol of matted hair has the same meaning.

It is definitely a bad omen to dream of yourself with sparse hair or bald patches. Such a dream promises trouble, illness and loss of strength. At the same time, a completely bald reflection in the mirror - on the contrary, promises unprecedented good luck.

Curling tight doll curls in a dream promises a quick meeting with an old acquaintance.

Braiding hair in braids foreshadows difficulties and future changes. Not the best sign promises a dream in which hair is dyed in a different color - this may mean an early undeserved accusation.