In Russia, very superstitious people still live, and for every case the people already have a corresponding sign in store. It turns out that the wife is absolutely forbidden to cut her husband's hair, even if she has a very light hand and is an excellent professional hairdresser.

A huge number of all kinds of signs and superstitions are popularly associated with hair. It has long been believed that they contain magical power. It is not for nothing that love spells are often made on the hair and damage is induced.
Of course, some of the signs associated with hair seem absurd, but most of them still have a justification. Let's try to understand the most common signs and answer the question: why shouldn't a wife cut her husband's hair.
If a wife cuts her husband's hair, she will shorten his life.
This superstition is based on the story from the Bible about the hero Samson, who had extraordinary strength and was invincible. The source of Samson's energy was his long hair. Once, out of the simplicity of his soul, he confided in his wife, telling her that all his strength lies in his hair, for which he was betrayed by a perfidious woman. When the trusting Samson fell asleep, she cut off a lock of his hair. The man lost his strength and was captured by the Philistines. Since then, it is believed that a woman is able to shorten the life of a man if she begins to cut his hair.
In fact, you need to know who to trust, because it is known that the closest person can feel hatred and dislike in the depths of his soul and not show his appearance. If a woman has powerful energy and at the same time experiences negative emotions in relation to her spouse, then she may well seriously harm him if she begins to cut his hair. There is a strong energetic bond between husband and wife, so it is better not to take risks and entrust your hair to an independent professional.
If a wife cuts her husband, he will soon cheat on her
Here the wife of her faithful cut her hair, he became extraordinarily prettier and the ladies suddenly began to pester him. Of course, this sign has no basis under it. Who cares who cut the man's hair? If he wants, then he will change anyway, and it doesn't matter who worked to create his irresistible image, a professional stylist or his beloved wife.
It is clear that a neat and tidy man attracts the attention of women.
If the wife cuts her husband's hair, they will quarrel
Everything is clear here. If a woman does not have the skills of a professional hairdresser, then it is likely that after an unsuccessful haircut, a quarrel may flare up in the family. It is clear that the hair will grow back, but an unpleasant residue will still remain, so it is better not to risk it and give up haircuts at home.
If a wife does a haircut to her husband, they will part.
Of course, if an unsuccessful haircut leads to a grandiose scandal, mutual insults and reproaches, then it can come to parting. If a man, after a visit to a home-grown hairdresser, begins to look ridiculous and funny, he will certainly blame his wife, especially since she directly put her hand in creating his new hairstyle, which evokes jokes and smiles from friends and colleagues. You may not believe in omens, but it's better not to risk it. Better if the husband visits a professional hairdresser and expresses all complaints to him about an unsuccessful haircut.