In a dream, the woman quarreled, even fought with her husband. A nightmare haunts her all day. She is tormented in anticipation of all kinds of trouble. And a dream, on the contrary, promises peace and harmony in the family.

Where do dreams come from?
During the day, a modern person receives a large amount of information. The brain simply does not have time to process it. He selects from the flow of information only the most necessary and important. The rest is occupied by the human subconscious, whose work continues even at night. Thanks to its functioning, people see dreams.
They can reflect the echoes of the past day and impressions from the past. Dreams are colorful and gray, memorable and boring.
How to solve a dream?
A person is trying to understand the meaning of sleep in order to look into the future, to predict future events. For this, there are dream books - interpreters of dreams.
To solve a dream, you need to mentally decompose it into its components, then choose the brightest of them, designate in one word, for example, a meeting. This word should be looked for in the dream book.
For the correct interpretation of sleep, you should pay attention to its details: surrounding objects, people and animals. They can symbolize something.
What does a dream mean?
If in reality the spouses are experiencing a disagreement, a quarrel in a dream - to improve relations. The wife subconsciously looks for the causes of family troubles, thinks about it. This means that the first step towards reconciliation has already been taken.
The opposite situation also happens. In this case, the wife suspects her husband of treason, is afraid of losing him. Or hides a love affair and constantly waits for exposure.
From the outside, family relationships look perfect. But the wife understands: in fact, this is not so. So she dreams of a future quarrel with her husband.
If a woman wakes up in tears, someone from the family will get sick. If the quarrel did not upset her, the dream promises good health, the sick person will recover.
A major altercation predicts trouble outside the home that can affect family affairs. Swearing with your husband means expecting support and help from him to make an important decision.
If the husband looks beautiful in a dream, the house will be filled with happiness. If pale and sick, he is cheating on his wife.
When a quarrel is accompanied by leaving home or exile, a dream portends failure in business, dissatisfaction.
In general, swearing in a dream with a loved one, even fighting, is very good. All the accumulated anger is realized in the dream. In reality, peace and harmony await a couple.
According to the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya, any quarrel is a meeting, good news. The French dream book confirms this interpretation.
Contrary to predictions
When a dream in which a woman quarreled with her husband threatens to become a reality, one must try to change the course of events. Postpone the showdown for a week. During this time, the spouses will cool down, soberly assess the problem. Maybe there will be no reason for a quarrel.