Writing books is one thing, but promoting your work and becoming popular is another. Now, fortunately, when there is the Internet, it has become much easier to unwind.

Step 1
Publishing yourself on Internet resources is a good attempt to promote your small works. For this, there are sites "Proza ru", "Pikabu" and others. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to gather a crowd of fans, but gaining readers and listening to criticism from strangers about their works is just what a novice author needs.

Step 2
Taking part in or winning a writing competition is another opportunity to gain popularity. You can find a competition suitable for your work on the Proza ru website by going to the Author's Cabinet, or on the vsekonkursy.ru website in the Creative Competitions section. Some organizers, such as the organizers of the "Bookscriptor" prize, offer promotion of books on the radio, in magazines and on social networks as prizes.

Step 3
It is also important to advertise among your friends and listen to criticism. Social networks will help distribute the book to friends and acquaintances. Then word of mouth will work.
Step 4
Publishers of journals accepting manuscripts can send their works. For example, the monthly magazine Novy Mir has been accepting manuscripts since 1925. Publishing there is a good chance for the audience to be fascinated by your creativity. Znamya and Neva are also looking for original stories.