How To Make A Wish Bracelet With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Wish Bracelet With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Wish Bracelet With Your Own Hands

Recently, more and more often you can meet people who wear a red thread on their wrist, a thread of desires. You can make a bracelet of wishes with your own hands. And there are several options.

Wish bracelet
Wish bracelet

In general, a real red thread is brought from Jerusalem. She is tied in Israel at the Wailing Wall, and she has magical powers. But, if you buy such a thread on a website on the Internet, there is no guarantee that the thread is real. Even if the seller assures potential buyers of this. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of the red thread.

There is a way out: in this matter, the main thing is to correctly direct your own energy in order to get a magic bracelet.

The most important thing that I want to warn those who want to acquire a magical accessory: do not harm anyone. In no case should your desires violate the interests of other people, even if it seems to you that it will be best for them.

What colors to use for the wish bracelet

In order for the energy to flow in the right direction, choose a color for your talisman, depending on what area your desire, your goal is in.

Red will protect against damage, evil eye, envy. A red bracelet will lead to success faster if your goal is to find a soul mate.

A light green bracelet for those who want to improve and harmonize existing relationships.

A dark green bracelet will help you build relationships with loved ones, colleagues, and simply avoid conflicts.

The pink bracelet is the protection of love relationships.

The orange bracelet fights depression and helps you achieve your health goals. Also suitable for those who want to make new acquaintances.

Yellow for creative people, students, businessmen. If you want to start a new project, you just need a yellow bracelet.

Blue for better relationships. Improves intuition and helps to make the right decisions. If you don't know how to do the right thing, a blue bracelet will help you weigh everything and make the right choice.

Purple helps to avoid trouble, or get out of difficult situations with the least loss. It is a kind of amulet against bad people and gives harmony to the owner.

White bracelet for those who want to start life from scratch.

How to prepare for weaving

There are many ways to weave a wish bracelet. The most important, magical, parts of this accessory are 7 knots. The knots can be replaced with beads or other decorations. The number 7 is the number of completeness. The easiest way to make a wish bracelet is to weave a 3-strand braid and make knots or beads. You can also add pendants and jewelry to the bracelet, asking in advance what they mean.

If you want the bracelet to protect from the evil eye, instead of one bead, you can weave a "cat's eye". And you can replace all 7 beads with this amulet.

  1. An important part is preparation for weaving the bracelet. It must be thorough. If possible, start fasting 7 days before you decide to weave a wish bracelet. Avoid all animal foods. Fasting will clear the mind, the energy put into the magic bracelet will be purer. But this is not a required step.
  2. You need to wake up early. Before sunrise, or at dawn. It is desirable that there is no wind and the sky is clear.
  3. Be sure to stay alone. Even the closest ones should not be present next to you, enter, distract when you start making the bracelet.
  4. Phone, computer, TV, radio must be turned off. Remain in complete silence. Even the noise of a running refrigerator can throw off the mood.
  5. Focus on the desire that you expect from the bracelet. Each goal has a path to achieve. You need to think well and break the desire into 7 stages. Think carefully about each step.
  6. To make a bracelet, you need a woolen thread of the desired color. If you want to make a simple three-strand wish bracelet, cut three strands three wrists long. Tie all three strands into a knot and start braiding, thinking about the first step towards achieving your goal. Braid the braid to the length of a third of your wrist.

  7. Vividly imagining how you completed the first stage to achieve the goal, put a bead on one of the threads, or tie a knot.

  8. Next, continue to weave, focusing on the second step. And so weave all 7 beads without being distracted by anything and imagining in colors how you go to the goal, performing the planned actions. Imagine that everything is going smoothly, and luck is with you.

  9. When you have woven the 7 step beads to make your wish come true, tie a knot. It symbolizes the end of the path and the achievement of the goal.

  10. Ask a loved one to tie a bracelet on your left wrist. Wear and walk along the intended path, without folding, clearly following the developed plan.

When the thread is frayed, the goal will be achieved in the very near future. But usually, the wish comes true much earlier.

And remember that there is one bracelet for one wish. Then you can keep them in the box as a memory of how dreams come true. It is not necessary to weave the simplest wish bracelet. The larger the target, the more interesting the weaving. If you are at least a little familiar with macrame, weaving an original bracelet will not be difficult. If not, step-by-step instructions with a photo will help you make the most beautiful bracelet.

Is it possible to make a bracelet of wishes for a loved one

If your loved one is sick, cannot find happiness, get settled in life, or is in deep depression, you can help by giving a piece of your love.

While weaving, read a prayer, think about your loved one, for whom you are making a bracelet. Remember that you are giving a piece of yourself for someone else. Pick the color that suits you best and get to work with concentration. All the rules for preparing and weaving are the same as for making a wish bracelet for yourself. The only thing is that you do not need to think through the steps to achieve the goal. Even the goal itself does not need to be specifically invented. The general wording and the right attitude are enough. Imagine how happy your loved one will be when he becomes healthy, or finds a soul mate.

You cannot weave a bracelet that will help you find a soul mate if you yourself are not happy in marriage. You cannot weave a bracelet for welfare if you yourself need money.

Charm of several strands

Below is a diagram by which you can weave a bracelet of desires. This option is suitable for those whose desire relates to two areas at once. For example, I had a failed business. And I want to leave the builders for creativity, and start everything from scratch. Then for the bracelet of desires, a white and yellow thread is taken.

Most importantly, don't get distracted by bad thoughts. Since the bracelet is made of natural material, it instantly absorbs energy. When the bracelet is of the required length to wrap tightly around the wrist, ask your loved one to tie it by threading the ends of the threads into the beginning of the bracelet. Leave small ponytails, no more than 2 centimeters.


There are many more options for weaving charm bracelets. It doesn't matter what the performance will be. The most important thing is to do everything carefully, not to rush and not be distracted.


The most important thing is to think carefully about whether you really want to achieve the goal for which you are going to weave the bracelet. How will your life change after achieving it, whether it will get better. Ask yourself these questions to avoid hurting yourself. And do not forget that your desire should only apply to you.