You were presented with a gorgeous bouquet of chrysanthemums, but sooner or later it will fade. No problem! You can keep the flowers on your windowsill.

Step 1
Cut flowers and leaves from a branch, pinch the top of it. Place the stalk in water and wait a while for it to sprout.
Step 2
Prepare a site for your chrysanthemum. These plants need light and warmth, but they do not like direct sunlight. Drafts are also unfavorable for chrysanthemums.
Step 3
For planting, a fairly large flowerpot or pot about 30 cm in diameter is suitable. A prerequisite is a hole for water drain on the bottom. Put brick chips, clay shards or expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. Chrysanthemum soil is neutral or slightly acidic. Enrich it with fertilizers and moisturize thoroughly before planting the flower.
Step 4
Water and spray the leaves regularly, but avoid flooding the plant to avoid root rot. Chrysanthemum feeding should be carried out every 2 to 4 weeks - this is necessary for your pet to grow and bloom well. For feeding, you can use ready-made solutions containing a complex of fertilizers, as well as dry mixes for dilution.
Step 5
To make the plant more lush, pinch the tops of individual branches as it grows. Don't forget to remove wilted flowers and leaves and enjoy your beautiful chrysanthemum!