How To Grow A Rose From A Bouquet: Two Ways

How To Grow A Rose From A Bouquet: Two Ways
How To Grow A Rose From A Bouquet: Two Ways

Soon, very soon men will give bouquets to all girls and women for the holidays. But if you were presented with a bouquet of roses, do not thoughtlessly throw the withered flowers into the trash can. You can give them a second life, although this process is quite laborious and lengthy.

Two easy ways to grow a rose from a bouquet
Two easy ways to grow a rose from a bouquet

How to grow a rose from a cutting in the ground?

The basis of growing a rose at home from a cut flower is propagation of plants by cuttings. This is generally a simple way to get a full-fledged plant from a "piece" that you cut at someone's house, but in the case of roses, it takes time and very careful care.

So, in order to grow a rose bush from a rose that was in a bouquet, you need to cut cuttings. To do this, take a wilted flower and cut cuttings about 16-21 cm long from the middle part of the stem. Each cutting should have at least 2-3 living buds. The incisions should be made between the kidneys with a very sharp knife.

how to grow a rose from a bouquet - how to grow a rose from a cutting
how to grow a rose from a bouquet - how to grow a rose from a cutting

Stick the resulting material (cuttings) into ordinary soil for home flowers (up to a maximum of half the height, but preferably no more than a third). To increase the chances of root growth, you can use special preparations that are sold in flower shops (root growth stimulants).

Cover the cuttings with a greenhouse film (to create a mini-greenhouse, a cut plastic bottle or jar is also suitable, with which you need to cover the cuttings by slightly sticking it into the soil). Make sure that the soil in the rose pot does not dry out. After the roots appear, the first branches will appear. After that, you can remove the greenhouse or ventilate the plants more often.

Young roses can be transplanted into separate pots and put on a balcony or loggia in the summer.

Please note that it is extremely difficult to grow a rose from imported flowers that have been transported from abroad for a long time, since they are treated with preservatives to preserve their presentation. Try to find local varieties of roses. There is also a low chance of rooting cuttings of roses that have stood in the form of a bouquet for more than five days.

How to grow a rose from a cutting in a potato?

There is a fun way to germinate cuttings. Some growers suggest sticking the prepared rose stalk into cathophhelin (you first need to cut the eyes out of it). Next, the potato with a cutting must be stuck into the ground and care for the rose as described above.
