Carp are one of the strongest fish, beating on the hook in such a way that it can break the rod. Therefore, experienced anglers know: how successful carp fishing will be depends on the strength of the "rod". When choosing the optimal rod, several characteristics are of primary importance, among which the price and appearance are far from the most important thing.

Step 1
Choose the length of your carp rod based on your own height. If it does not exceed 175 centimeters, a "stick" with a size of 3, 5 to 3, 7 meters will suit you. Note that traditionally these rods are measured in feet (one foot equals 30.48 centimeters). If you are above average height, then take a rod with a length of 3, 7 to 4 meters.
Step 2
Look for a fast action rod if you are fishing traditionally medium sized carp in the water you are fishing. This action contributes to more accurate casting, but may not withstand when catching a particularly large specimen, since the tip of this rod is soft. Therefore, if you are in the mood for catching huge carp, it is better to take a rod with a slow action. Also, the "slow" rod is useful when fishing near the coast.
Step 3
Do not use a telescopic carp rod unless compactness is important to you. When there is enough space in the fisherman's camping equipment, it is preferable to opt for a plug rod with two knees (that is, one that can fold in half). A telescopic rod can reach up to five knees, however this reduces its fishing stamina.
Step 4
Consider: Do you need a professional rod (it can cost more than $ 500) if fishing is just a seasonal hobby for you. But in the case when fishing is a constant source of income or livelihood, it is worth spending more money on purchasing a high-quality carp rod with support for heavy weights.
Step 5
If possible, take a test drive of the chosen carp rod: borrow a similar model for one time from friends, or at least hold the rod in your hands longer. It is important that this tool "fit in your hand", because the convenience and comfort in using the tackle on fishing is the key to successful fishing.