Carp, or river carp, are found in small ponds, lakes and rivers in the southern and central parts of Russia; they are one of the most cunning and intelligent fish. In terms of its importance and size, carp occupies an honorable first place among the rest of its family.

It is necessary
- - rod;
- - fishing line;
- - float;
- - sinker;
- - hook;
- - carrier;
- - complementary foods;
- - nozzle.
Step 1
Carp, as well as carp, prefer a weak current and warm stagnant water. These fish can be found in almost any water body overgrown with grass. In summer, carps are at a depth of five meters, in autumn - ten meters, in winter they go much deeper. It is possible to determine the presence of a carp in a pond by jumping out of the water, while it emits a sound reminiscent of croaking.
Step 2
The largest individuals are found in early July and late August. The best time to fish for carp is early morning or evening (after five o'clock). During the day, the carp practically does not bite, with the exception of small carps. The bait for fishing can be millet porridge, red dung worm, a bunch of worms, steamed wheat grains, earthworms, crumpled bread (black and white), beans, glands, boiled crayfish necks or corn. When fishing, experiment with baits, as the carp is sometimes finicky.
Step 3
Before you start fishing, throw the complementary food into the water at the place where the fishing rods will be thrown in the future. The best complementary food for carp and carp is millet porridge with boiled wheat, buckwheat porridge, pearl barley, milk foam porridge, cottage cheese, black and white bread. You can throw shaped balls of clay and crushed hemp seed. Do not use sour grains for bait.
Step 4
A rod for fishing carp and carp should be long and strong, preferably solid. Choose a line that is strong, but thin (braided silk), the length should fully correspond to the size of the rod. Attach a small but sturdy hook. The float should be well aligned and small, and the tip should touch the bottom. It is best to cast several rods at once to catch carp and carp. After a bite and a successful hook, remove the rest of the rods from the water so that the carp do not confuse the lines.
Step 5
When biting, the float lies on its side or quickly floats to the side, it is often possible to notice that the float goes to the bottom. In this case, stand up to your full height and pull the rod up. When the float plunges to the left or right, strike in the opposite direction. After hooking, the carp with force rushes to the side, try to hold the rod and make the fish turn towards you with its head.
Step 6
Bring the fish closer to the shore, if at the same time it continues to describe arcs and actively resist, wait until it gets tired. When the carp stops, immediately grab the catcher and pick it up.