If you urgently need a stand for a smartphone, but there is no way to buy it, there is time or the store is not available at the moment, make it yourself in just 1 minute from a roll of toilet paper.

Perhaps such a stand does not look very presentable, but it will serve its service quite conscientiously.
The first way to make a smartphone stand out of cardboard

For such a stand, you will need not only a toilet paper roll, but also 2-4 toothpicks or buttons with a plastic stop.
The order of the craft:
1. Measure the width of your smartphone.
2. Cut a rectangle in the middle of the cardboard cylinder with a height that will be about 1-1.5 cm less than the measurements from point 1. The depth of the slot may vary depending on your desire.
3. Measure the thickness of your smartphone.
4. In the middle of the slot, make notches with a width equal to the measurement from item 3.
5. From the bottom, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees to the vertical axis of symmetry, stick in four "power" buttons or toothpicks (they will act as the legs of the stand). If the smartphone has to stand at a large slope, two legs at the back will be enough.
A simplified way to make such a stand is to cut out a rectangular hole in order to insert a smartphone into the cylinder (the length of the hole is equal to the width of the smartphone, the width of the hole is equal to the thickness of the smartphone).
The second way to make a cardboard stand
Cut off a piece of the sleeve as shown in the photo (at an angle), but leave a piece of cardboard in front to create a support for the smartphone.

Please note that you cannot put a very high smartphone on such a stand or make a large tilt, since the center of gravity of the structure will be shifted too far back.
And of course, if you wish, you can decorate such a smartphone stand with colored paper, for example, patterned paper for gifts.